Environmental and Sustainability Studies Major

Degree Type
Bachelor of Arts

Distribution Requirements

Environmental and Sustainability Studies Core (Minimum 6/3 Units)

Only courses with the prefix ENV count toward this requirement. Must include the senior seminar in environmental studies.

Mathematics and Basic Science (Minimum 8/3 Units)

Must include 2/3 unit of calculus, 1/3 unit of statistics, 2/3 unit of chemistry, and 2/3 unit of biology. May include 1/3 unit of basic engineering with the permission of the Environmental Studies Program Review Committee.

Basic Engineering Courses

Environmental Science and Engineering (Minimum 9/3 Units)

All courses with prefixes BB, CE, CH, CHE, ES, GE, and PH may qualify under this requirement. BB courses must be at the 2000 level or higher. Must include 1/3 unit of ecology. Must include 1/3 unit of engineering at the 2000 level or higher. The 3 units of environmental science and engineering courses must be coherently defined and approved by the Environmental Studies Program Review Committee. 

Basic Social Science and Humanities (Minimum 3/3 Units)

Must include 1/3 unit of economics, 1/3 unit of public policy or political science, and 1/3 unit of either history or philosophy. 

Environmental Social Science or Humanities (Minimum 6/3 Units)

Must include 1/3 unit environmental economics, 1/3 unit environmental policy, 1/3 unit environmental philosophy, and 1/3 unit environmental history. 

Major Qualifying Project (Minimum 3/3 Units)

The MQP is expected to provide an integrative capstone research experience in Environmental and Sustainability Studies. Several types of MQPs are possible: a research study in a particular science or social science discipline, a holistic examination of an environmental problem from an interdisciplinary perspective, or a philosophical or historical analysis of an environmental issue. WPI faculty from academic disciplines including biology, chemistry, economics, geography, history, philosophy, psychology and public policy are associated with the Environmental Studies program and can advise Environmental Studies MQPs related to their area of expertise. 

Minimum Units

Environmental IQP Opportunities

WPI students can complete an IQP in a wide variety of areas at the intersection of society and technology, and there is no requirement that Environmental and Sustainability Studies students do an environmentally-related IQP. However, for interested students, numerous opportunities exist for environmental IQPs on campus and at off-campus centers.Many other environmentally themed projects are offered on campus as well. Typical project topics include issues of public health, renewable energy, land conservation, air quality and water quality, urban environments, and environmental justice. In some circumstances students may, with the approval of their IQP advisor, their academic advisor, and the Environmental Studies Program Review Committee, complete additional work on an environmental IQP that qualifies the project to count as an Environmental Studies MQP. However, students must still complete two separate, distinct projects, one IQP and one MQP, to meet the requirements for graduation.