ENV 2500/PSY 2500 : Psychology for Sustainability

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course is intended for anyone interested in human behavior and sustainability. This course applies psychological theory and research to understand the causes of human behavior that degrades natural systems and to identify and promote more sustainable actions and policies. Topics will include: social dilemmas and cognitive limitations as root causes of environmental problems; psychological methods for studying sustainability; the potential for and limitations of changing individual environmental cognition and behavior; environmental knowledge, attitudes, and values; motivations for sustainable behavior; and the relationship between environmental quality and human health and mental health. Students will gain experience applying social and cognitive behavior change strategies to reduce their own environmental impact.

Students may not receive credit for both ENV 2400 and ENV 2500/PSY 2500.

This course will be offered in 2025-26, and in alternating years thereafter.