CE 3070: Urban and Environmental Planning

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces to the student the social, economic, political, and environmental factors that affect the complex relationship between the built and natural environment. By using the principles of sustainable development and the procedures of planning, the optimal development pattern may be examined, and the infrastructure (roads, water supply systems, waste-water treatment systems, shopping malls, etc.) necessary to support present and future growth patterns may be determined. The information necessary in planning, which involves conscious procedures of analysis, formulation of alternative solutions, rational assessment and deliberate choice in accordance with evaluation criteria, is obtained through extensive reading. As such, the course introduces a variety of topics of concern to engineers and environmental scientists. The course is intended not only for civil engineering majors, but also for students preparing for an IQP in areas of urban or environmental concerns. Some sections of this course may be offered as Writing Intensive (WI).