Mathematical Sciences Major

Program of Study
Degree Type
Bachelor of Science


Some of the most active career directions in the mathematical sciences are reflected in the MQP areas around which the department’s offerings are organized: Algebraic and Discrete Mathematics, Computational and Applied Analysis, Operations Research, and Probability and Statistics. As early as practical, and certainly no later than the sophomore year, the mathematical sciences major should begin exploring these different areas. The transition courses, MA 1033, MA 1971, MA 2073, MA 2211, MA 2251, MA 2271, MA 2273, MA 2431, MA 2631, and MA 3631 are specifically designed to introduce various MQP areas while preparing the student for advanced courses and the MQP. The student should talk to faculty in the student’s area of interest to develop and select an MQP and MQP advisor. 

While most students choose MQPs in one of the four areas mentioned above, it is possible to design an MQP that does not fit into any one area. In such cases, students will want to take special care to plan their programs carefully with their advisors so that sufficient background is obtained before beginning to do research. Independent studies are a good way for students to learn topics that are not taught in regularly-scheduled courses. Interested students should approach faculty with requests for independent studies.

Through the Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS), students can use their mathematics and statistics training to work on real-world problems that come from sponsors in industry and finance. More information about industrial MQPs and projects can be found at

The following sections contain, for each MQP area: 

  • A brief description of the area including the kinds of challenges likely to be encountered by MQP students and mathematical scientists working there. 
  • Courses of interest. 

Algebraic and Discrete Mathematics 

Algebraic and discrete mathematics is recognized as an increasingly important and vital area of mathematics. Many of the fundamental ideas of discrete mathematics play an important role in formulating and solving problems in a variety of fields ranging from ecology to computer science. For instance, graph theory has been used to study competition of species in ecosystems, to schedule traffic lights at an intersection, and to synchronize parallel processors in a computer. Coding theory has been applied to problems from the private and public sectors where encoding and decoding information securely is the goal. In turn, the problems to which discrete mathematics is applied often yield new and interesting mathematical questions. The goal of a project in discrete mathematics would be to experience this interaction between theory and application. To begin, a typical project team would assess the current state of a problem and the theory that is relevant. Once this is done, the project team’s objective would be to make a contribution to solving the problem by developing new mathematical results.

In working in discrete mathematics, one may be writing algorithms, using the computer as a modeling tool, and using the computer to test conjectures. It is important that a student interested in this area have some computer proficiency. Depending on the project, an understanding of algorithm analysis and computational complexity may be helpful.

Computational and Applied Analysis 

This area of mathematics concerns the modeling and analysis of continuous physical or biological processes that occur frequently in science and engineering. Students interested in this area should have a solid background in analysis which includes the ability to analyze ordinary and partial differential equations through both analytical and computational means.

In most circumstances, an applied mathematician does not work alone but is part of a team consisting of scientists and engineers. The mathematician’s responsibility is to formulate a mathematical model from the problem, analyze the model, and then interpret the results in light of the experimental evidence. It is, therefore, important for students to have some experience in mathematical modeling and secure a background in one branch of science or engineering through a carefully planned sequence of courses outside of the department.

With the increase in computational power, many models previously too complicated to be solvable, can now be solved numerically. It is, therefore, recommended that students acquire enough computer proficiency to take advantage of this. Computational skills are important in applied mathematics. Students may learn these skills through various numerical analysis courses offered by the department. An MQP in this area will generally involve the modeling of a real-life problem, analyzing it, and solving it numerically.

Operations Research

Operations research is an area of mathematics which seeks to solve complex problems that arise in conducting and coordinating the operations of modern industry and government. Typically, operations research looks for the best or optimal solutions to a given problem. Problems within the scope of operations research methods are as diverse as finding the lowest cost school bus routing that still satisfies racial guidelines, deciding whether to build a small plant or a large plant when demand is uncertain, or determining how best to allocate timesharing access in a computer network.

Typically, these problems are solved by creating and then analyzing a mathematical model to determine an optimal strategy for the organization to follow. Often the problem requires a statistical model, and nearly always the analysis - whether optimizing through a set of equations or simulating the behavior of a process - involves the use of a computer. Finally, operations researchers must be able to interpret and apply the results of their analyses in an appropriate manner.

In addition to a solid background in calculus, probability and statistics, and the various operations research areas, prospective operations researchers should be familiar with computer programming and managerial techniques.

Probability and Statistics

In many areas of endeavor, decisions must be made using information which is known only partially or has a degree of uncertainty attached to it. One of the major tasks of the statistician is to provide effective strategies for obtaining the relevant information and for making decisions based on it. Probabilists and statisticians are also deeply involved in stochastic modeling - the development and application of mathematical models of random phenomena. Applications to such areas as medicine, engineering, and finance abound.

Students interested in becoming probabilists or mathematical statisticians should consider additional study in graduate school. While graduate study is an option for students whose goals are to be applied statisticians, there are also career opportunities in business, industry, and government for holders of a Bachelor’s degree. More information about careers in statistics can be found at the American Statistical Association’s web site

Students planning on graduate studies in this area would be well advised to consider, in addition to the courses of interest listed below, additional independent study or PQP work in probability and statistics, or some of the department’s statistics graduate offerings.

Program Distribution Requirements for the Mathematical Sciences Major

The normal period of residency at WPI is 16 terms. In addition to the WPI requirements applicable to all students, completion of a minimum of 10 units of study is required as follows.

Mathematics Requirement including MQP (Minimum 22/3 Units)1,2

Must include at least one of the following, or their equivalent

Core Courses (1/3 Unit)

Upper Level Courses (3/3 Unit)

Any 3000-Level or higher course, including experimental and special topics courses.

Other Requirements 

Additional Courses (2/3 Units): Any course or independent study (excludes AS, MS, PE)
Related Courses (2/3 Units): Any courses from science, engineering, computer science, data science, business (except FIN 1250)
†   MA 1801 is 1/12 unit and can be taken four times to be equivalent to a 1/3 unit course;  ‡‡ WPI credit can only be received for either MA 2071 or MA 2072 and either MA 2621 or MA 2631; * Category II Courses, offered in alternating years; ** All 46-- courses are topics in Statistics; Note that each class, including cross-listed classes (e.g. MA 2201/CS 2202), may only count towards one distribution requirement.
Program Chart and/or Course Flow Chart