Civil Engineering Major

Degree Type
Bachelor of Science


ASSOCIATED FACULTY: L. Abu-Lail (CHE/CEAE), L. D. Albano (CEAE), J. A. Bergendahl (CEAE), T. Camesano (CHE), J. D. Dudle (CEAE), C. M. Eggleston (CEAE), T. El-Korchi (CEAE), S. Farzin (CEAE), S. Kmiotek (CHE), S. LePage (CEAE), S. Liu (CEAE), N. Ma (CEAE), P. P. Mathisen (CEAE), N. Rahbar (CEAE), J. A. Rosewitz (CEAE), A. R. Sakulich (CEAE), M. Tao (CEAE),S. Van Dessel (CEAE), H. W. Walker (CEAE)

Mission Statement

The Civil Engineering program at WPI prepares graduates for careers in civil engineering, emphasizing professional practice, civic contributions, and leadership, sustained by active life-long learning. The curriculum combines a project-based learning environment with a broad background in the fundamental principles of civil engineering. Students have the flexibility to explore various civil engineering disciplines and career opportunities.  

Program Educational Outcomes

The Program Educational Objectives for the Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering are that our alumni will:

  1. be global citizens and stewards for the planet with an appreciation for the interrelationships between basic knowledge, technology, and society, while solving the challenges facing civil engineers in the 21st century.
  2. be able to apply the fundamental principles of mathematics, science and engineering to analyze and solve problems and to produce creative sustainable design.
  3. have the ability to engage in life-long learning, enhance their technical skills through graduate studies and continuing education, and through relevant experience.
  4. exhibit leadership in the civil engineering profession, demonstrate excellent communication skills, be engaged in professional societies, demonstrate understanding of ethical responsibility, and have a professional demeanor necessary for a successful civil engineering career.

Student Outcomes

The Student Outcomes for the Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering are that all graduates will attain:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

Program Distribution Requirements for the Civil Engineering Major

The normal period of residency at WPI is 16 terms. In addition to WPI requirements applicable to all students, students wishing to receive the ABET accredited degree designated “Civil Engineering” must satisfy certain distribution requirements as follows:

Mathematics and Basic Science (Minimum 12/3 Units)

Mathematics (Minimum 7/3 Units)

Must include 7/3 units in Mathematics (MA), including differential and integral calculus, differential equations, probability, and statistics.

Physics (Minimum 1/3 Units)

Must include at least 1/3 unit in physics (PH). Although any PH course can be used to satisfy this requirement, the courses listed below are recommended.

Chemistry (Minimum 2/3 Units)

Must include at least 2/3 units in chemistry (CH).  Although any CH course can be used to satisfy this requirement, the courses listed below are recommended.

Additional Science (Minimum 1/3 Units)

Must include at least 1/3 unit in additional science (BB or GE).  Although any BB or GE courses can be used to satisfy this requirement, the courses listed below are recommended. Students with a strong background in biology may consider 2000-level BB courses. 

Mathematics and Basic Science Elective (Minimum 1/3 Units)

Must include at least 1/3 unit elective from BB, CH, GE, MA, PH, or FY courses that satisfy BB, CH, GE, MA or PH.

Engineering Science and Design (Minimum 18/3 Units)

Fundamental Engineering Science (Minimum 6/3 Units)

Must include 2/3 units in solid mechanics, 1/3 unit in soil mechanics, 1/3 unit in fluid mechanics, 1/3 unit in structural analysis, and 1/3 units of additional engineering science courses from an approved list of ES courses.

Students may not receive credit for both CE 2000 and ES 2501; students may not receive credit for both CE 2001 and ES 2502.

Must include 1/3 units of engineering science from the list above. 

Civil Engineering (Minimum 12/3 Units)

Must include 4/3 units in Core Civil Engineering, including Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Project Management, and Environmental Engineering.

Civil Engineering Depth (Minimum 3/3 Units)

Must include 3/3 units of civil engineering depth courses at the 3000-level or above, fulfilled by all CE courses not listed in other notes and with at least 2/3 unit from within one sub-discipline of CE. The sub-disciplines are Structural and Geotechnical Engineering; Environmental Engineering and Water Resources; and Planning, Development, and Project Management.

Civil Engineering Sub-Disciplines:

Must include 2/3 units of civil engineering laboratory experience.

Major Qualifying Project (MQP) (Minimum 3/3 Units)

Must include 3/3 unit of MQP, including 1/3 unit of capstone design.

Subareas of Civil Engineering

Civil and environmental engineers design the structures and systems for our modern world – creating communities that are livable, sustainable, and protective of the environment. From buildings to transportation systems to clean water and waste management, civil and environmental engineers make a difference in the quality of everyday lives. While these systems have existed for hundreds of years, civil and environmental engineers today are innovative thinkers, considering climate adaptation, energy efficiency, and smart technologies as they design the built environment for the future.

Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (L. Albano, T. El-Korchi, N. Rahbar, A. Sakulich, M. Tao)

Structural and geotechnical engineering focuses on the analysis, design, and construction of infrastructure above and below ground. Students study the mechanics and engineering properties of construction materials, and the behavior of the subsurface. This knowledge is used to design buildings, bridges, roads, dams, landfills, and other parts of the built environment that are needed for daily life. Beyond structural and geotechnical design, students may explore climate change impacts on infrastructure, smart sensors for degradation monitoring, and energy harvesting from materials.

Environmental Engineering and Water Resources (L. Abu-Lail, J. Bergendahl, J. Dudle, C. Eggleston, S. LePage, P. Mathisen, H. Walker)

Environmental engineers design and construct systems to protect public health, improve quality of life, and improve natural ecosystems. Students apply principles of chemistry, biology, and physics to design systems for water supply, wastewater treatment, and water resource protection. They are also concerned with hazardous waste remediation, air pollution control, and mitigating pollutant impacts on the environment. Increasingly, environmental engineers are challenged with adapting to climate change impacts and ensuring sustainable solutions in both local and global communities.

Planning, Development, and Project Management (S. LePage, P. Mathisen, J. Rosewitz)

Engineers working in the built environment assess the broader context of planning, development goals, and transportation systems to design smart, sustainable, and livable communities. They also inform and guide the public decision-making process as communities redesign their infrastructure. To deliver projects, engineers working in project management consider economics, legal aspects, and execution of construction projects. They work to plan, estimate, schedule, manage, and source materials using modern multidisciplinary information technologies and control systems.

Major Qualifying Projects

Civil Engineering MQPs are capstone design activities that span a wide range of topics in the areas of structural and geotechnical design, environmental engineering, water resources, planning, development, transportation, and project management. Students may select project topics which are related to their subarea of emphasis, or may develop projects that incorporate multiple subareas. Projects draw upon prior course work, and exemplify the type of work students will encounter in their post-graduate pursuits. Project activities can include design, construction, planning, research, laboratory investigations, field work, and collaborative work with public and private organizations. Typically, the MQP includes analysis of a comprehensive civil engineering problem, consideration of alternative solutions, and optimization of a solution. A major objective of the MQP is the development of sound engineering judgment, incorporating engineering economics and social factors into problem-solving. 

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam

The first step to becoming a licensed professional engineer is passing the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. Licensure is used to ensure public safety by requiring practicing consultants to demonstrate their qualifications based on education, experience, and examinations, including the FE exam. Engineers who attain licensure enjoy career benefits that allow them to offer consulting services and rise to positions of responsibility. All Civil Engineering majors are strongly encouraged to take the FE exam during their senior year. The exam is offered year-round.

Combined Bachelor/Master’s Program

Continued studies beyond the bachelor’s degree are valuable for career advancement and professional engineering licensure. Combined Bachelor/Master’s degree programs offer the advantage of double-counting up to 12 credits, including up to six credits of advanced coursework (4000-level) at the undergraduate level, for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree requirements. Specific CE requirements and more information can be obtained from the Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department office. Programs leading to the Master of Science and Master of Engineering are available.