Mechanical and Materials Engineering

R. W. Hyers, HEAD

PROFESSORS: C. A. Brown, C. Furlong, S. Guceri, Z. Hou, D. Lados, J.Liang, M. M. Makhlouf, B. Mishra, B. J. Savilonis, J. M. Sullivan, Jr., V. Vantsevich, Y. Wang, J. Yagoobi, Y. Zhong


ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: D. Cote, M. Fofana, Y. Liu, Z. Mao, A. Powell, P. Rao

ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS OF TEACHING: F. Zoutendyk, P. Radhakrishnan, S. Wodin-Schwartz

ASSOCIATE TEACHING PROFESSORS: M. Bhatia, R. Daniello, M. Mortazavi

ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: A. Gnanaskandan, K. Shete, J. Yang, Y. Zheng




ASSOCIATED FACULTY : D. Alatalo (BME), F. Bernardi(MA), K. Billiar (BME), B. Calli (RBE), K. Chen (STEM), N. Dembsey (FPE), C. Eggleston (CEAE), S. Farzin (CEAE), L. Fichera (RBE), S. Ji (BME), S. Johnson (BUS), G. Lewin (RBE), R. Ludwig (ECE), W. McCarthy (PH), W. Michalson (RBE), S. Mensah (BME), M. Nemitz (RBE), K. Notarianni (FPE), C. Nycz (RBE), C. Onal (RBE), M. Puchovsky (FPE), N. Rahbar (CEE), A. Rangwala (FPE), A. Rosendo (RBE), A. Simeoni (FPE), K. Stafford (RBE), D. Strong (BUS), B. Tilley (MA), M. Timko (CE), W. Towner (BUS), K. Troy (BME), J. Urban (FPE), Z. Wei (BME), J. Xiao (RBE)

EMERITUS PROFESSORS: D. Apelian, H. Ault, I. Bar-On, R. Biederman, J. M. Boyd, C. Demetry, A.H. Hoffman, J. A. Mayer, Jr., D. Planchard, R. J. Pryputniewicz, S. Shivkumar, R. Sisson

Mission Statement

The Mechanical Engineering program at WPI aims to graduate students who have the broad expertise required to confront real world technological issues that arise in our society. Students in the program are educated to apply scientific principles and engineering methods to analyze and design systems, processes, and products that, when engineered properly, improve the quality of our lives. The Mechanical Engineering program is consistent with the WPI philosophy of education, in which each student develops the tools required for self-learning, and the sensibility to consider the impact of technology on society in the decisions they will make as engineering professionals. 

Program Educational Objectives

The Mechanical Engineering Program seeks to have alumni who:

  • are successful professionals because of their mastery of the fundamental engineering sciences, and mechanical engineering and their understanding of design processes.
  • are leaders in business and society due to a broad preparation in technology, communication, teamwork, globalization, ethics, business acumen and entrepreneurship.
  • will use their understanding of the impact of technology on the safety, health and welfare of the public for the betterment of humankind.

Student Outcomes

Graduating students should demonstrate that they attained the following: 

  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


The second digit in mechanical engineering course numbers is coded as follows:


0 — General mechanical engineering
1 —
2 —
3 — Design
4 — Thermal—fluids
5 — Engineering mechanics
6 — Fluid mechanics—hydraulics
7 — Aerospace
8 — Materials
9 — Engineering experimentation





ISU: Special Topics

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

For students who wish to pursue in depth various mechanical engineering topics. Topics covered include: theoretical or experimental studies in subjects of interest to mechanical engineers. Registration as a junior or senior is assumed.

ME 1520: The Technology of Alpine Skiing

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course explores science and engineering issues associated with equipment and technique for alpine skiing, particularly racing. A diverse group of technical subjects related to engineering mechanics are discussed: tribology, beams, rigid body motion, material science, machining and biomechanics. Specifically we will examine: ski-snow interactions, technique for gliding, turning and stepping, selection of line in racing; equipment design, testing and performance; and ski injuries. We will also address issues in the epidemiology of skiing injuries, the calculation of the cost of ski injuries to society, the impact of ski equipment technology on litigation and the impact of litigation on equipment and trail design. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

ME 1800: Manufacturing Science, Prototyping, and Computer-Controlled Machining

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces students to manufacturing science and engineering and prototype part production. It emphasizes CNC (computer-controlled) machining. Students will learn how to go from a solid (CAD, computer-aided design) model to a machined part, using CAM software (computer-aided manufacturing) and CNC machining. They will also be exposed to associated issues in manufacturing process analysis, engineering design, material science, and in dimensional and surface metrology. Using machining as an example, the science of manufacturing processes is developed in a combination of class work and laboratory experience. The laboratory experience includes an experimental component that relates process variables in machining with performance and machined part quality. Students whose project work will necessitate fabrication of parts and those who want a background in manufacturing process science and engineering should take this course.

ES 2001: Introduction to Materials Science

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This beginning course provides important background for all science and engineering disciplines regarding the capabilities and limitations of materials in our everyday lives. Students are introduced to the fundamental theme of materials science— structure-property-processing relationships—in metals, ceramics, and plastics. Aspects of material structure range from the atomic to microstructural and macroscopic scales. In turn, these structural features determine the properties of materials. In particular, this course investigates connections between structure and mechanical properties, and how working and thermal treatments may transform structure and thus alter material properties. This knowledge is then applied to material selection decisions.

ME 2300: Introduction to Engineering Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This project based course introduces students to the engineering design process including; identifying the need, benchmarking, writing design specifications, evaluating alternative designs and selecting a final design. Student groups will construct and evaluate a working prototype of their design. Additional topics include; creativity, product liability, reverse engineering, patents, and codes of ethics for engineers. Extensive written reports and oral presentations are required.

ME 2312: Introduction to Computational Solutions for Engineering Problems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

The purpose of this course is to introduce concepts of programming and numerical methods using Matlab within an engineering framework. The course will review basic linear algebra, statics, stress analysis, and engineering governing equations with solution pathways developed and presented as numerical programming problems. The fundamental programming techniques cover a variety of input and output formats typically encountered in engineering situations. Control and conditional loops, recognizing and controlling numerical error, numerical integration and differentiation will be introduced and developed within an engineering framework.

ES 2501: Introduction to Static Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This is an introductory course in the engineering mechanics sequence that serves as a foundation for other courses in mechanical engineering. The course covers general two- and three-dimensional force and couple systems, distributed loads, resultant forces, moments of forces, free body diagrams, equilibrium of particles and finite sized bodies. Specific topics include friction, trusses, shear forces, bodies subjected to distributed loads, bending moments in beams, and first and second moments of plane areas.

ES 2502: Stress Analysis

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This is an introductory course that addresses the analysis of basic mechanical and structural elements. Topics include general concepts of stresses, strains, and material properties of common engineering materials. Also covered are two-dimensional stress transformations, principal stresses, Mohr’s circle and deformations due to mechanical and thermal effects. Applications are to uniaxially loaded bars, circular shafts under torsion, bending and shearing and deflection of beams, and buckling of columns. Both statically determinate and indeterminate problems are analyzed.

ES 2503: Introduction to Dynamic Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Engineers should be able to formulate and solve problems that involve forces that act on bodies which are moving. This course deals with the kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies which move in a plane. Topics covered will include: kinematics of particles and rigid bodies, equations of motion, work-energy methods, and impulse and momentum. In this course a basic introduction to mechanical vibration is also discussed. Basic equations will be developed with respect to translating and rotating coordinate systems.

ME 2820: Materials Processing

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

An introduction to material processing in manufacturing. This course provides important background for anyone interested in manufacturing, design engineering design, sales, or management. Processing of polymers, ceramics, metals and composites is discussed. Processes covered include: rolling, injection molding, forging, powder metallurgy, joining and machining. The relationships between materials, processes, processing parameters and the properties of manufactured parts are developed. During the course the students should develop the ability to choose materials, processes, and processing parameters for designing manufacturing procedures to take a prototype part to production.

ES 3001: Introduction to Thermodynamics

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course emphasizes system and control volume modeling using conservation of mass and the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Topics include an introduction to heat, work, energy, and power, properties of simple substances, and cycle analysis for power production and refrigeration.

ES 3003: Heat Transfer

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course presents the fundamentals of heat transfer in the three modes of conduction, convection, and radiation. Topics include steady-state and transient heat conduction, forced external and internal convection, natural convection, heat exchanger analysis, radiation properties, and radiative exchange between surfaces.

ES 3004: Fluid Mechanics

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

A study of the fundamental laws of statics, kinematics and dynamics applied to fluid mechanics. The course will include fluid properties, conservation of mass, momentum and energy as applied to real and ideal fluids. Laminar and turbulent flows, fluid resistance and basic boundary layer theory will also be considered.

ME 3310: Kinematics of Mechanisms

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

An introduction to the synthesis and analysis of linkages, cams and gear trains is presented. The design process is introduced and used to solve unstructured design problems in linkage and cam design. Algebraic and graphical techniques to analyze the displacement, velocity and acceleration of linkages and cams are developed. Computer programs for the design and analysis of linkages are used by students. Results of student design projects are presented in professional engineering reports.

ME 3311: Dynamics of Mechanisms and Machines

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an in-depth study of forces in dynamic systems. Dynamic force analysis is developed using matrix methods. Computer programs are used to solve the sets of simultaneous equations derived by students for realistic, unstructured design problems. Inertial and shaking forces, elementary mechanical vibrations, torque-time functions, rotational and reciprocating balance and cam dynamics are covered using the internal combustion engine as a design example. Students execute unstructured design projects and prepare professional engineering reports on the results. Computers are used extensively to solve the dynamic equations. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

ME 3320: Design of Machine Elements

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This is an introductory course in mechanical design analysis, and it examines stress and fatigue in many machine elements. Common machine elements are studied and methods of selection and design are related to the associated hardware. Topics covered include: combined stresses, fatigue analysis, design of shafts, springs, gears, bearings and miscellaneous machine elements.

ME 3411: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides a mixture of theory and applications and covers topics not found in the introductory course in fluid mechanics. Topics include kinematics of fluid flow, potential flow, Navier-Stokes and the theory of viscous flow, basic turbulence, boundary layer theory, and introduction to compressible flow.

ME 3501: Elementary Continuum Mechanics

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

In typical mathematics courses, students learn principles and techniques by solving many short and specially prepared problems. They rarely gain experience in formulating and solving mathematical equations that apply to real life engineering problems. This course will give students this type of applied mathematical experience. The course emphasizes the application of basic laws of nature as they apply to differential elements which lead to differential equations that need to be solved; all of these ideas are used in higher level engineering science courses such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, elasticity, etc. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the physical concepts in a problem, selecting appropriate differential elements, developing differential equations, and finding ways to solve these equations. Limitations on the mathematical solutions due to assumptions made will be considered. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

ME 3506: Rehabilitation Engineering

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This project based design course focuses on the design and use of devices to aid persons with disabilities. Human factors and ergonomics are integrated into all phases of the design process with particular emphasis on the user interface. Topics include: defining the problem, developing design specifications, development of preliminary designs, selection, realization and evaluation of a final design. Students will also learn how physical, and cognitive parameters, safety, economics, reliability and aesthetics need to be incorporated into the design process.

ME 3820: Computer-Aided Manufacturing

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This introductory course in modern control systems will give students an understanding of the basic techniques, and the range of equipment used in most computer controlled manufacturing operations. The class work is reinforced by hands-on laboratories in the Robotics/CAM lab. Modeling and analysis of machining processes, and applications of PLC (programmable logic control) are included. Class topics include: Manufacturing Automation, Microcomputers for Process Monitoring and Control, Computer Numerical Control, Switching Theory and Ladder Logic, Transducers and Signal Conditioning, and Closed Loop Digital Control. The laboratories allow students to program and implement several types of the controllers, and will provide an introduction to the topic of industrial robotics.

ME 3901: Engineering Experimentation

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

A course designed to develop analytical and experimental skills in modern engineering measurement methods, based on electronic instrumentation and computer-based data acquisition systems. The lectures are concerned with the engineering analysis and design as well as the principles of instrumentation, whereas the laboratory periods afford the student an opportunity to use modern devices in actual experiments. Lecture topics include: review of engineering fundamentals and, among others, discussions of standards, measurement and sensing devices, experiment planning, data acquisition, analysis of experimental data, and report writing. Laboratory experiments address both mechanical and thermal systems and instrumentation in either traditional mechanical engineering (heat transfer, flow measurement/visualization, force/torque/strain measurement, motion/vibration measurement) or materials engineering (temperature and pressure measurements in materials processing, measurement of strain and position in mechanical testing of materials). Each year students will be notified which type of experiments will be used in each term offering. Students may also consult with their academic advisor or the Mechanical Engineering department office.

ME 3902: Project-Based Engineering Experimentation

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course is designed to develop experimental skills in engineering measurement methods, based on electronic instrumentation and computer-based data acquisition systems, such as the Raspberry Pi (a primarily digital microprocessor) and an Arduino (a primarily analog microcontroller). The lectures are concerned with the engineering design requirements as well as the principles of instrumentation, whereas the laboratory modules afford the student an opportunity to use these devices in actual experiments. Lecture topics include: discussions of standards, measurement and sensing devices, experiment planning, data acquisition, analysis of experimental data, and report writing. Laboratory experiments address mechanical (force/torque/strain measurements, motion/vibration measurements), energy (heat transfer, temperature, flow measurements), materials measurements (materials processing, measurement of strain and position in mechanical testing of materials), and instrumentation. The course culminates with an open-ended project of the students choosing. This open-ended project will illuminate the skills gained by the student to utilize multiple sensors and equipment to monitor and/or control physical situations.

ME 4320: Advanced Engineering Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course integrates students’ background in ME in a one-term design project that is usually taken from a local company. Students must organize themselves and the project to successfully realize a product that meets customer needs. Activities include problem definition, design analysis, mathematical modelling, CAD modelling, manufacturing, testing, liaison to vendors, customer relations, marketing, technical management, purchasing, report writing, and oral presentations.

RBE 4322/ME 4322: Modeling and Analysis of Mechatronic Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces students to the modeling and analysis of mechatronic systems. Creation of dynamic models and analysis of model response using the bond graph modeling language are emphasized. Lecture topics include energy storage and dissipation elements, transducers, transformers, formulation of equations for dynamic systems, time response of linear systems, and system control through open and closed feedback loops. Computers are used extensively for system modeling, analysis, and control. Hands-on projects will include the reverse engineering and modeling of various physical systems. Physical models may sometimes also be built and tested.

ME 4323: Fundamentals of Drivetrain Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This product-oriented course focuses on engineering fundamentals of ground vehicle drivetrain systems with application to automobiles, commercial and off-road vehicles as well as autonomous and electrically driven ground vehicles. The course focuses on “theory and practice” aspects of engineering design of vehicle transmissions, transfer cases, open and limited slip differentials, etc. A term project integrates design principles with materials selection to improve a drivetrain component for a given vehicle. Project steps include: problem definition and analysis, development of design specifications, development and analysis of alternative designs, conceptual design and material analysis, and a CAE design.

ME 4324: Integrated Design of Mechanical Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course develops student capabilities to conduct the detailed design of mechanical components integrated into a complete mechanical system. Topics covered include kinematic syntheses and analysis and detailed design of mechanical components under dynamic loading using the fatigue-life method. These topics are developed through a guided design project. Computer software packages such as Mathcad and Linkages are used.

ME 4422: Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces students to design of small and large scale optimal thermal systems. The hardware associated with thermal systems includes fans, pumps, compressors, engines, expanders, turbines, heat and mass exchangers, and reactors, all interconnected with some form of conduits. Generally, the working substances are fluids. These types of systems appear in such industries as power generation, electric and gas utilities, refrigeration and cryogenics, air conditioning and heating, food, chemical, petroleum, and other process industries. This course is intended for mechanical engineering students, especially those seeking a concentration in Thermal-Fluids. Additionally, this course might be of interest to students in Aerospace Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

ME 4424: Radiation Heat Transfer Application and Design

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

Radiation Heat Transfer Applications will develop the student’s knowledge of radiation and multi-mode heat transfer. Fundamentals of radiation will be covered: radiative properties of surfaces; view factors; exchange between black and grey surfaces; emission and absorption of gases; and flame radiation. Use of numerical methods will be emphasized as appropriate for solution of applications: the select numerical methods (numerical integration, matrix methods, ODE solutions) can be learned during the course. The course will conclude with a design exercise to be completed by each student. Each exercise will highlight radiation in a realistic scenario that requires multi-mode heat transfer and fluid mechanics analysis to develop the design solution. Exercise topics will come from subjects such as: solar power plants, solar effects on buildings, furnaces, fire safety in the built environment, etc. Students may not receive credit for both ME 4424 and ME 442X. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

ME 4429: Thermofluid Application and Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course integrates thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer through the use of design projects involving modern technologies, such as electronic cooling, vapor compression power and refrigeration cycles. Activities include problem definition, design creation and analysis, mathematical modeling, cost analysis and optimization.

ME 4430: Integrated Thermomechanical Design and Analysis

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

Current state-of-the-art computer based methodologies used in the design and analysis of thermomechanical systems will be presented and illustrated by selected laboratory demonstrations, and used in projects. Projects will include thermal, mechanical, electronic, and photonic loads of steady state and dynamic nature and will integrate design, analysis, and testing. Students will prepare a technical report and present their results. Topics will include, but not be limited to, thermomechanics of fiber optic telecommunication cables, high-energy beam interactions with materials, shape memory alloys, microelectronics, MEMS and mechatronics. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

BME 4503: Computational Biomechanics

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course will focus on using computational modeling approaches, particularly, finite element models, to simulate, validate, and analyze the biomechanics involved in soft and hard tissue deformation and stress/strain analysis in quasi-static or impact conditions. First, students will be introduced to the process of setting specific analytical goals and establishing the need for a specific quantitative biomechanical model. Then, basic underlying principles of forward and inverse static/dynamics simulations are covered. Finally, multi-scale and multi-step models will be introduced. During the process, material models and property assignment will also be covered. Model building, testing, optimization and validation with experimental data will be discussed. An introduction to tools and techniques used in computational biomechanics will be provided.
Students may not receive credit for both BME 450X and BME 4503.
This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

BME 4504/ME 4504: Biomechanics

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course emphasizes the applications of mechanics to describe the material properties of living tissues. It is concerned with the description and measurements of these properties as related to their physiological functions. Emphasis on the interrelationship between biomechanics and physiology in medicine, surgery, body injury and prostheses. Topics covered include: Review of basic mechanics, stress, strain, constitutive equations and the field equations, viscoelastic behavior, and models of material behavior. The measurement and characterization of properties of tendons, skin, muscles and bone. Biomechanics as related to body injury and the design of prosthetic devices.

ME 4506: Mechanical Vibrations

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of mechanical vibrations, which are important for design and analysis of mechanical and structural systems subjected to time-varying loads. The objective of the course is to expose the students to mathematical modeling and analysis of such systems Topics covered include: formulation of the equations of motion using Newton’s Laws, D’Alembert’s Principle and energy methods; prediction of natural frequency for single-degree-of-freedom systems; modeling stiffness characteristics, damping and other vibrational properties of mechanical systems; basic solution techniques by frequency response analysis and convolution integral methods. Examples may include analysis and design for transient passage through resonance; analysis and design of vibration measurement devices; introductory rotordynamics. The course is mainly focused on analysis of single-degree-of-freedom systems, however a basic introduction into multidegree-of-freedom systems is also presented. Computer-based project may be suggested.

ME 4512: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course serves as an introduction to finite element analysis (FEA) for stress analysis problems. Finite element equations are developed for several element types from stiffness and energy approaches and used to solve simple problems. Element types considered include spring, truss, beam, two-dimensional (plane stress/strain and axisymmetric solid), three-dimensional and plates. Stress concentrations, static failures, and fatigue failures are considered for each element type. Emphasis will be placed on knowing the behavior and usage of each element type, being able to select a suitable finite element model for a given problem, and being able to interpret and evaluate the solution quality. A commercial, general-purpose finite element computer program is used to solve problems that are more complex. Projects are used to introduce the use of FEA in the iterative design process.

BME 4606/ME 4606: Biofluids

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course emphasizes the applications of fluid mechanics to biological problems. The course concentrates primarily on the human circulatory and respiratory systems. Topics covered include: blood flow in the heart, arteries, veins and microcirculation and air flow in the lungs and airways. Mass transfer across the walls of these systems is also presented. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

ME 4813: Ceramics and Glasses for Engineering Applications

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course develops an understanding of the processing, structure, property, performance relationships in crystalline and vitreous ceramics. The topics covered include crystal structure, glassy structure, phase diagrams, microstructures, mechanical properties, optical properties, thermal properties, and materials selection for ceramic materials. In addition the methods for processing ceramics for a variety of products will be included.

BME 4814/ME 4814: Biomaterials

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

A course discusses various aspects pertaining to the selection, processing, testing (in vitro and in vivo) and performance of biomedical materials. The biocompatibility and surgical applicability of metallic, polymeric and ceramic implants and prosthetic devices are discussed. The physico-chemical interactions between the implant material and the physiological environment will be described. The use of biomaterials in maxillifacial, orthopedic, dental, ophthalmic and neuromuscular applications is presented.

ME 4821: Plastics

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course develops the processing, structure, property, performance relationships in plastic materials. The topics covered include polymerization processes, chain structure and configuration, molecular weights and distributions, amorphous and crystalline states and glass-rubber transition. The principles of various processing techniques including injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, thermoforming and calendaring will be discussed. The physical and mechanical properties of polymers and polymer melts will be described with specific attention to rheology and viscoelasticity. Pertinent issues related to environmental degradation and recyclability will be highlighted. This course will be offered in 2021-22, and in alternating years thereafter.

ME 4832: Corrosion and Corrosion Control

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

An introductory course designed to acquaint the student with the different forms of corrosion and the fundamentals of oxidation and electro-chemical corrosion. Topics covered include: corrosion principles, environmental effects, metallurgical aspects, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting, intergranular corrosion, erosion corrosion, stress corrosion, cracking and hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion testing, corrosion prevention, oxidation and other high-temper-ature metal-gas reactions.

ME 4840: Physical Metallurgy

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Fundamental relationships between the structure and properties of engineering materials are studied. Principles of diffusion and phase transformation are applied to the strengthening of commercial alloy systems. Role of crystal lattice defects on material properties and fracture are presented. Strongly recommended as a senior-graduate level course for students interested in pursuing a graduate program in materials or materials engineering at WPI, or other schools.

ME 4875/MTE 575: Introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces students to current developments in nanoscale science and technology. The current advance of materials and devices constituting of building blocks of metals, semiconductors, ceramics or polymers that are nanometer size (1-100 nm) are reviewed. The profound implications for technology and science of this research field are discussed. The differences of the properties of matter on the nanometer scale from those on the macroscopic scale due to the size confinement, predominance of interfacial phenomena and quantum mechanics are studied. The main issues and techniques relevant to science and technologies on the nanometer scale are considered. New developments in this field and future perspectives are presented. Topics covered include: fabrication of nanoscale structures, characterization at nanoscale, molecular electronics, nanoscale mechanics, new architecture, nano-optics and societal impacts.