Electrical and Computer Engineering

D. R. Brown, HEAD; R. Ludwig, ASSOCIATE HEAD 

PROFESSORS: D. R. Brown, E. A. Clancy, X. Huang, R. Ludwig, S. Makarov, J. A. McNeill, W.R. Michalson, P. Schaumont, B. Sunar,  A. Wyglinski




ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: S. Bhada, F. Ganji, B. Islam, S. Tajik, Z. Zhang


ASSISTANT TEACHING PROFESSORS: M. Ashegan, G. Noetscher, E. Uzunovic

EMERITUS PROFESSORS: K. A. Clements, D. Cyganski, J. Duckworth, F. J. Looft, J. A. Orr, K. Pahlavan, P. C. Pedersen 

Mission Statement

To be prepared for employment as a contributing engineer and/or for graduate-level education, students within the ECE Department receive instruction that is balanced between theory and practice. In fact, much of our curriculum integrates theory and practice within each course. It is common to study new devices and techniques, and then immediately work with these devices/techniques in a laboratory setting. In response to the breadth of ECE, all students work with their academic advisor to develop a broad-based program of study. As with most engineering curricula, ECE study includes a solid foundation of mathematics and science. Discipline-specific study in ECE usually begins early in a student’s career — during the second half of the freshman year — with courses providing a broad overview of the entire field. During the sophomore and junior years, students learn the core analysis, design and laboratory skills necessary to a broad range of ECE sub-disciplines. When desired, specialization within ECE occurs during the junior and senior years. In addition, all students complete a major qualifying project (MQP). This project, typically completed in teams during the senior year, is an individualized design or research project that draws from much of the prior instruction. Utilizing the benefit of individualized instruction from one or more faculty members, students develop, implement and document the solution to a real engineering problem. Many of these projects are sponsored by industry, or are associated with ongoing faculty research. These projects form a unique bridge to the engineering profession.

Program Educational Objectives

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offers a balanced, integrated curriculum strong in both fundamentals and state-of-the-art knowledge. The curriculum embraces WPI’s philosophy of education, with a program characterized by curricular flexibility, student project work such as the Interactive Qualifying Project, and active involvement of students in their learning. 

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Program seeks to have alumni who:

  • are successful professionals who demonstrate in their work a breadth of knowledge in the field of electrical and computer engineering, 
  • are engaged in active lifelong learning, using appropriate learning strategies, to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed;
  • are effective contributors in business and society, demon­strating the ability to communicate, work in teams, and understand the broad implications of their work;
  • are engaged broadly in both their professional and personal lives, exhibiting effective leadership and informed citizenship. 

Student Outcomes

Based on the department’s educational objectives, students will achieve the following specific educational outcomes within a challenging and supportive environment:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgement to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Course Coding

The second digit in electrical engineering course numbers is coded as follows:

0 — Circuits
1 — Fields
2 — Electronic Circuits and Systems
3 — Signals and Communication Systems
4 — Available for Future Use
5 — Machines, Power Systems
6 — Professional and Miscellaneous
7 — Projects, Laboratory, Independent Study
8 — Computers
9 — Electronic Devices
NOTE: Courses listed in previous catalogs with “EE” as the prefix and the same course number as below are considered to be the SAME COURSE .




BME 4011/ECE 4011: Biomedical Signal Analysis

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

Introduction to biomedical signal processing and analysis. Fundamental techniques to analyze and process signals that originate from biological sources: ECGs, EMGs, EEGs, blood pressure signals, etc. Course integrates physiological knowledge with the information useful for physiologic investigation and medical diagnosis and processing. Biomedical signal characterization, time domain analysis techniques (transfer functions, convolution, auto- and cross-correlation), frequency domain (Fourier analysis), continuous and discrete signals, deterministic and stochastic signal analysis methods. Analog and digital filtering. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.

BME 4023/ECE 4023: Biomedical Instrumentation Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course builds on the fundamental knowledge of instrumentation and sensors. Lectures cover the principles of designing, building and testing analog instruments to measure and process biomedical signals. The course is intended for students interested in the design and development of electronic bioinstrumentation. Emphasis is placed on developing the student’s ability to design a simple medical device to perform real-time physiological measurements.

CS 4801/ECE 4802: Introduction to Cryptography and Communication Security

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to modern cryptography and communication security. It focuses on how cryptographic algorithms and protocols work and how to use them. The course covers the concepts of block ciphers and message authentication codes, public key encryption, digital signatures, and key establishment, as well as common examples and uses of such schemes, including the AES, RSA-OAEP, and the Digital Signature Algorithm. Basic cryptanalytic techniques and examples of practical security solutions are explored to understand how to design and evaluate modern security solutions. The course is suited for students interested in cryptography or other security related fields such as trusted computing, network and OS security, or general IT security.

Suggested Background

Discrete mathematics (CS 2022/MA 2201 or equivalent)

ECE 1799: Frontiers and Current Issues of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/6

This is a seminar-based course intended for First Year students seeking to understand the breadth of activities, career choices and technology that are considered to comprise Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students considering ECE as a major, both those who are “decided” as well as those who are “undecided” should enroll in ECE 1799. The class meets once a week during the fall semester (A & B terms). Note: There are no “recommended” or “suggested” courses for this description.

ECE 2010: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the broad field of electrical and computer engineering within the context of real world applications. This course is designed for first-year students who are considering ECE as a possible major or for non-ECE students fulfilling an out-of-major degree requirement. The course will introduce basic electrical circuit theory as well as analog and digital signal processing methods currently used to solve a variety of engineering design problems in areas such as entertainment and networking media, robotics, renewable energy and biomedical applications. Laboratory experiments based on these applications are used to reinforce basic concepts and develop laboratory skills, as well as to provide system-level understanding. Circuit and system simulation analysis tools are also introduced and emphasized. Topics: Basic concepts of AC/DC and Digital electrical circuits, power, linear circuit simulation and analysis, op-amp circuits, transducers, feedback, circuit equivalents and system models, first order transients, the description of sinusoidal signals and system response, analog/digital conversion, basic digital logic gates and combinatorial circuits.

ECE 2019: Sensors, Circuits, and Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course investigates commonly used sensors such as resistive temperature sensors, capacitive touch sensors, and inductive motion sensors and actuators. Numerous applications are presented to motivate coverage of fundamental operating principles of circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors; model the signals produced by these sensors; and analyze the circuits and systems used to amplify and process these signals. After a review of Kirchhoff ‘s current and voltage laws, fundamental analysis techniques such as Thevenin and Norton’s theorems and the superposition principle are used to model and analyze sensors, circuits, and systems. Concepts from analysis of linear, time-invariant continuous-time signals and systems are introduced as necessary, including Fourier series and characterization of systems such as filters in both the frequency domain (bandwidth, transfer function) and time domain (rise time, step response). Capacitance, inductance and mutual inductance are explored as energy storage elements, including consideration of resonance and energy losses in power systems. Concepts will be reinforced with the use of laboratory exercises and computer simulation. Note: Students who have received credit for ECE 2111 may not receive credit for ECE 2019.

ECE 2029: Introduction to Digital Circuit Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Digital circuits are the foundation upon which the computers, cell phones, and calculators we use every day are built. This course explores these foundations by using modern digital design techniques to design, implement and test digital circuits ranging in complexity from basic logic gates to state machines that perform useful functions like calculations, counting, timing, and a host of other applications. Students will learn modern design techniques, using a hardware description language (HDL) such as Verilog to design, simulate and implement logic systems consisting of basic gates, adders, multiplexers, latches, and counters. The function and operation of programmable logic devices, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), will be described and discussed in terms of how an HDL logic design is mapped and implemented. Experiments involving the design of combinational and sequential circuits will provide students a hands-on introduction to basic digital electrical engineering concepts and the skills needed to gain more advanced skills. In the laboratory, students will construct, troubleshoot, and test the digital circuits that they have developed using a hardware description language. These custom logic designs will be implemented using FPGAs and validated using test equipment. Topics: Number representations, Boolean algebra, design and simplification of combinational circuits, arithmetic circuits, analysis and design of sequential circuits, and synchronous state machines. Lab exercises: Design, analysis and construction of combinational and sequential circuits; use of hardware description languages to implement, test, and verify digital circuits; function and operation of FPGAs. Note: Students who have received credit for ECE 2022 may not receive credit for ECE 2029.

ECE 2039: Computational Engineering

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Computational Engineering describes the methods and practices of software programming in the context of electrical and computer engineering (ECE), specifically, the construction of programs to be efficiently implemented on hardware. In this regard, the course covers programming design and methodology, developing efficient code using C programming language, hardware device abstraction, and modeling. In doing so, starting with basic programming techniques in the high-level programming language C, the course describes the relevant software and hardware device abstraction levels. Additionally, program analysis, debugging methods, issues encountered when interfacing with signals to/from external devices, and computer engineering models, such as finite state machines and timing in computing hardware, are explained. The course uses assignments/projects to provide hands-on experience with software programming to solve problems in electrical and computer engineering practice.

ECE 2049: Embedded Computing in Engineering Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Embedded computers are literally everywhere in modern life. On any given day we interact with and depend on dozens of small computers to make coffee, run cell phones, take pictures, play music, control elevators, manage the emissions and antilock brakes in our automobile, control a home security system, and so on. Using popular everyday devices as case studies, students in this course are introduced to the unique computing and design challenges posed by embedded systems. Students will then solve real-world design problems using small, resource constrained (time/memory/power) computing platforms. The hardware and software structure of modern embedded devices and basic interactions between embedded computers and the physical world will also be covered in lecture and as part of laboratory experiments. In the laboratory, emphasis is placed on interfacing embedded processors with common sensors and devices (e.g. temperature sensors, keypads, LCD displays, SPI ports, pulse width modulated motor controller outputs) while developing the skills needed to use embedded processors in systems design. This course is also appropriate for RBE and other engineering and CS students interested in learning about embedded system theory and design. Topics: Number/data representations, embedded system design using C, microprocessor and microcontroller architecture, program development and debugging tools for a small target processor, hardware/software dependencies, use of memory mapped peripherals, design of event driven software, time and resource management, applications case studies. Lab Exercises: Students will solve commonly encountered embedded processing problems to implement useful systems. Starting with a requirements list students will use the knowledge gained during the lectures to implement solutions to problems which explore topics such as user interfaces and interfacing with the physical world, logic flow, and timing and time constrained programming. Exercises will be performed on microcontroller and/or microprocessor based embedded systems using cross platform development tools appropriate to the target platform. Note: Students who have received credit for ECE 2801 may not receive credit for ECE 2049.

Suggested Background

ECE 2029 or equivalent knowledge of digital logic, logic signals and logic operations.

ECE 2112: Electromagnetic Fields

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

The object of this course is a comprehensive treatment of electromagnetic engineering principles covering the entire application spectrum from static to dynamic field phenomena. The starting point will be the basic electric and magnetic field definitions of Coulomb and Biot-Savart leading to Gauss’s and Ampere’s laws. They form the foundation of electro- and magnetostatics fields. Students will examine capacitive and inductive systems and relate them to lumped element circuit models. By introducing temporal and spatial magnetic flux variations, Faraday’s law is established. The engineering implications of this law are investigated in terms of transformer and motor actions. Incorporation of the displacement current density into Ampere’s law and combining it with Faraday’s law will then culminate in the complete set of Maxwell's field equations. As a result of these equations, students will develop the concept of wave propagation in the time and frequency domain with practical applications such as wireless communication, radar, Global Positioning Systems, and microwave circuits.

ECE 2201: Microelectronic Circuits I

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course is the first of a two-course sequence in electronic circuit design. It begins with a substantive treatment of the fundamental behavior of semiconductor materials and moves on to the semiconductor diode, the bipolar transistor, and the field-effect transistor. Laboratory exercises are provided to reinforce the theory of operation of these devices. Numerous circuit applications are considered, including: power supplies, transistor amplifiers, and FET switches. Topics include: the pn junction, diode operation, transducers, rectification, voltage regulation, limiting and clamping circuits, transistor operation, biasing, small-signal and large-signal models, transistors amplifiers, and switching applications.

ECE 2305: Introduction to Communications and Networks

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to the broad area of communications and networking, providing the context and fundamental knowledge appropriate for all electrical and computer engineers, as well as for further study in this area. The course is organized as a systems approach to communications and networking. Topics include key concepts and terminology (delay, loss, throughput, bandwidth, etc.), types of transmission media, addressing, switching, routing, networking principles and architectures, networking protocols, regulatory and applications issues.

ECE 2311: Continuous-Time Signal and System Analysis

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to time and frequency domain analysis of continuous time signals and linear systems. Topics include signal characterization and operations; singularity functions; impulse response and convolution; Fourier series; the Fourier transform and its applications; frequency-domain characterization of linear, time-invariant systems such as filters; and the Laplace transform and its applications.

ECE 2312: Discrete-Time Signal and System Analysis

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to the time and frequency domain analysis of discrete-time signals and linear systems. Topics include sampling and quantization, characterization of discrete-time sequences, the discrete-time Fourier transform, the discrete Fourier transform and its applications, the Z transform and its applications, convolution, characterization of FIR and IIR discrete-time systems, and the analysis and design of discrete-time filters. The course will include a focus on applications such as sampling and quantization, audio processing, navigation systems, and communications. Extensive use will be made of simulation tools, including Matlab.

ECE 2799: Electrical and Computer Engineering Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

The goal of this course is to provide experience with the design of a system, component, or process. Basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources to meet a stated objective. Fundamental steps of the design process are practiced, including the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, manufacturability, testing, and evaluation. Student work in small teams and are encouraged to use creativity to solve specific but open-ended problems, and then present their results. ECE 2799 is strongly recommended for all students as a preparation for the design element of the MQP. It is anticipated that ECE 2799 will be of most benefit to students when taken well in advance of the MQP (late sophomore year or early junior year).

ECE 3012: Introduction to Control Systems Engineering

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to the analysis and design of continuoustime control systems. Topics covered in the course include: modeling in the frequency and time domain, characteristics of control systems time response, reduction of multiple subsystems, analysis of systems transient response, stability, steady-state errors, root locus techniques, design of PI, PD, and PID controllers via root locus, frequency response techniques, and design via frequency response. The course will not have a formal laboratory. It will include projects which will require the use of software such as MATLAB, Simulink, or Lab VIEW for analysis and design of control systems. Students may not receive credit for both ES 3011 and ECE 3012.

ECE 3113: Introduction to RF Circuit Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course is designed to provide students with the basic principles of radio frequency (RF) circuit design. It concentrates on topics such as designing tuning and matching networks for analog and digital communication, satellite navigation, and radar systems. After reviewing equivalent circuit representations for RF diodes, transistors, FETs, and their input/output impedance behavior, the course examines the difference between lumped and distributed parameter systems. Characteristics impedance, standing waves, reflection coefficients, insertion loss, and group delay of RF circuits will be explained. Within the context of Maxwell’s theory the course will then focus on the graphical display of the reflection coefficient (Smith Chart) and its importance in designing matching circuits. Students will learn the difference between SPICE and monolithic and microwave integrated circuit analysis, and design (MMICAD) modeling. Biasing and matching networks for single and multistage amplifiers in the 900 to 2,000 MHz range are analyzed and optimized in terms of input/output impedance matching, insertion loss, and groups delays.

Suggested Background

ECE 2112.

ECE 3204: Microelectronic Circuits II

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course is the second of a two-course sequence in electronic circuit design. More complex circuits are analyzed and the effects of frequency and feedback are considered in detail. The course provides a comprehensive treatment of operational amplifier operation and limitations. The use of Bode plots to describe the amplitude and phase performance of circuits as a function of operating frequency is also presented. In addition, the concepts of analog signal sampling, analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion are presented along with techniques for interfacing analog and digital circuitry. Laboratory exercises are provided to reinforce student facility with the application of these concepts to the design of practical circuits. Topics include: transducers; differential amplifiers, inverting/non-inverting amplifiers, summers, differentiators, integrators, passive and active filers, the Schmitt trigger, monostable and a-stable oscillators, timers, sample-and-hold circuits, A/D converters, and D/A converters.

ECE 3308: Introduction to Wireless Networks

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course is intended for students interested in obtaining a systems-level perspective of modern wireless networks. It starts with an overall understanding of telecommunication and computer communication networks. Then the fundamental theory of operation of wireless networks as well detailed description of example networks will be covered. Topics included in the course are an overview of computer networks, an overview of wireless network standards and products, radio channel modeling and medium access control, deployment of wireless infrastructures, and examples of voice- and data-oriented wireless networks using TDMA, CDMA, and CSMA access methods. With extra work, this course can be successfully completed by non-ECE students; basic concepts of radio propagation, transmission, and medium access control will be introduced as needed.

Suggested Background

ECE 2312 and ECE 2303.

ECE 3311: Principles of Communication Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to analog and digital communications systems. The bandpass transmission of analog data is motivated and typical systems are analyzed with respect to bandwidth considerations and implementation techniques. Baseband and passband digital transmission systems are introduced and investigated. Pulse shaping and intersymbol interference criteria are developed in relation to the pulse rate transmission limits of bandlimited channels. Finally, digital carrier systems and line coding are introduced in conjunction with applications to modern modem transmission schemes.

Suggested Background

ECE 3405: Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning for Engineering

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Machine learning has achieved huge success in many engineering applications such as computer vision, gene discovery, financial forecasting, credit card fraud detection, autonomous vehicle navigation, biomedical signal modeling, wireless/radar/aerospace systems and others. The course will briefly review discrete-time signals and systems, including convolution and Fourier transforms. This course will introduce the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and theories in machine learning, including linear models, projection/nonlinear embedding methods, neural networks/deep learning, parametric/non-parametric methods, kernel machines, mixture models, and pattern recognition/classification. Also, the lectures will briefly summarize recent trends in the field to provide students with cutting-edge knowledge for engineering. The course will give the student the basic ideas and intuition behind these methods, as well as a more formal understanding of how and why they work. Students will have an opportunity to experiment with machine learning techniques and apply them in one or more application-based projects.

Suggested Background

Linear Algebra (MA 2071) and Probability (MA 2621 or MA 2631).

ECE 3500: Electric Power and Renewable Energy Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

Concepts integral to the generation, transmission, storage, and use of electrical power are introduced with particular emphasis on economic, environmental, and regulatory influences that have shaped the structure of our power grid for over 100 years. Power generators, including those powered by traditional fossil fuels and renewable sources, are covered, providing a background of technology evolution that leads to distributed energy resources (DERs), energy storage systems, and smart grid solutions. Three-phase lines, loads, and generators are discussed together with the need for power factor calculation and correction. Construction and performance of high voltage transmission lines is introduced. Power flow analysis across a power network from generation to transmission to consumption is provided and modeled, including consideration of basic faults at various points in the network. Methods of energy storage are considered together with basic power grid protection techniques. These technologies converge toward the construction of robust smart grids that employ advanced data analytics and communications for real-time fault identification, load balancing, and correction. 

ECE 3501: Electromechanical Energy Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

The duality of electromechanical systems, which may be used to either generate or consume electrical power, is studied through examination of methods and machines that enable energy conversion to occur. The analysis and design of systems that employ coupled magnetic fields to convert electrical to mechanical energy and vice versa is explored using fundamental electromagnetic concepts, AC/DC systems analysis, and numerical simulation. Generator and motor machine components are modeled using magnetic circuits to demonstrate energy flow. Electric transformers are carefully considered to understand voltage and current conversion with corresponding device power losses. The principles of rotating single and polyphase systems are covered with application examples ranging from micro to industrial scale. AC/DC motors and generators are explored through a review of their physical construction, equivalent circuits, and performance characteristics. Power factor and power factor correction are examined to enable greater system efficiency. Special emphasis is given to synchronous machines, which comprise most of modern power generation, and induction machines, which are used in a myriad of everyday applications. This course includes simulations of motors and generators with some circuit analysis using circuit simulators, project work, and selected power system demonstrations.

Suggested Background

ECE 3829: Advanced Digital System Design with FPGAs

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course covers the systematic design of advanced digital systems using FPGAs. The emphasis is on top-down design starting with high level models using a hardware description language (such as VHDL or Verilog) as a tool for the design, synthesis, modeling, test bench development, and testing and verification of complete digital systems. These types of systems include the use of embedded soft core processors as well as lower level modules created from custom logic or imported IP blocks. Interfaces will be developed to access devices external to the FPGA such as memory or peripheral communication devices. The integration of tools and design methodologies will be addressed through a discussion of system on a chip (SOC) integration, methodologies, design for performance, and design for test. Topics: Hardware description languages, system modeling, synthesis, simulation and testing of digital circuits; Design integration to achieve specific system design goals including architecture, planning and integration, and testing; Use of soft core and IP modules to meet specific architecture and design goals. Laboratory exercises: Students will design and implement a complete sophisticated embedded digital system on an FPGA. HDL design of digital systems including lower level components and integration of higher level IP cores, simulating the design with test benches, and synthesizing and implementing these designs with FPGA development boards including interfacing to external devices. Students who have received credit for ECE 3810 may not receive credit for ECE 3829.

ECE 3849: Real-Time Embedded Systems

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course continues the embedded systems sequence by expanding on the topics of real-time software and embedded microprocessor system architecture. The software portion of this course focuses on solving real-world problems that require an embedded system to meet strict real-time constraints with limited resources. On the hardware side, this course reviews and expands upon all the major components of an embedded microprocessor system, including the CPU, buses, memory devices and peripheral interfaces. New IO standards and devices are introduced and emphasized as needed to meet system design, IO and performance goals in both the lecture and laboratory portion of the course. Topics: Cross-compiled software development, embedded system debugging, multitasking, real-time scheduling, inter-task communication, software design for deterministic execution time, software performance analysis and optimization, device drivers, CPU architecture and organization, bus interface, memory management unit, memory devices, memory controllers, peripheral interfaces, interrupts and interrupt controllers, direct memory access. Laboratory exercises: Programming real-time applications on an embedded platform running a real-time operating system (RTOS), configuring hardware interfaces to memory and peripherals, bus timing analysis, device drivers.

ECE 4305: Software-Defined Radio Systems and Analysis

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides students with hands-on exposure to the design and implementation of modern digital communication systems using software-defined radio technology. The prototyping and real-time experimentation of these systems via software-defined radio will enable greater flexibility in the assessment of design trade-offs as well as the illustration of “real world” operational behavior. Performance comparisons with quantitative analytical techniques will be conducted in order to reinforce digital communication system design concepts. In addition to laboratory modules, a final course project will synthesize topics covered in class. Course topics include software-defined radio architectures and implementations, digital signaling and data transmission analysis in noise, digital receiver structures (matched filtering, correlation), multicarrier communication techniques, radio frequency spectrum sensing and identification (energy detection, matched filtering), and fundamentals of radio resource management.

ECE 4503: Power Electronics And Power Management

The availability of electric power in a variety of forms is integral to modern society. Very often, electric power must be converted from one form to another to meet a specific application need – this conversion process is accomplished through the use and efficient management of power electronics. Design of power electronics is introduced first by examining the performance characteristics of basic switching devices, which enable critical management functions that include pulse width modulation (PWM) and output power regulation. Half and full-wave AC source rectification and techniques for improving the resulting DC power characteristics are covered, including polyphase AC sources. AC voltage control with applications for induction motors is studied. DC-DC power conversion is examined, covering a variety of circuit architectures, with applications in feedback control. DC to AC power inversion and resulting power quality considerations are explored. The impacts of design decisions on power electronics systems, from micro- to megawatts, are demonstrated through numerical simulation. This course includes guest lectures, project work including case-studies and selected power system demonstrations. 

ECE 4703: Real-Time Digital Signal Processing

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course provides an introduction to the principles of real-time digital signal processing (DSP). The focus of this course is hands-on development of real-time signal processing algorithms using audio-based DSP kits in a laboratory environment. Basic concepts of DSP systems including sampling and quantization of continuous time signals are discussed. Tradeoffs between fixed-point and floating-point processing are exposed. Real-time considerations are discussed and efficient programming techniques leveraging the pipelined and parallel processing architecture of modern DSPs are developed. Using the audio-based DSP kits, students will implement real-time algorithms for various filtering structures and compare experimental results to theoretical predictions.

Suggested Background

ECE 4801: Computer Organization and Design

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course focuses on the computer organization and architectural design of standalone embedded and high-performance microprocessor systems. This course covers performance metrics, machine level representation of information, the assembly level interface, memory system organization and architecture, computer input/output, instruction set architecture (ISA) design, single cycle and multicycle CPU datapath and controlpath design as well as more advanced level topics such as pipelining, interrupts, cache and memory system design. Special attention will be paid into measuring architectural performance and into improving computer architectures at various levels of the design hierarchy to reach optimal performance. The course will include several hands-on projects and laboratory components where students will be required to perform simulations of CPU designs using architectural simulation tools such as MIPS Simulators and SimpleScalar.

Suggested Background

ECE 4901: CMOS Fundamentals

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces fundamental concepts on CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) analog and digital circuit design, emphasizing the physical implementation of integrated circuits. To develop a fundamental understanding of CMOS integrated circuit design and layout, the course begins with a description of integrated circuit fabrication technology and crucial process layers to fabricate devices in CMOS technology. With this foundation, we discuss resistors and capacitors in integrated circuit technology, followed by MOSFET capacitors and MOSFET transistors, emphasizing concepts in nanoCMOS devices such as velocity saturation and drain-induced barrier lowering. Building on earlier concepts in this course, we develop models for analog and digital integrated circuit design using MOSFET. Next, the students will learn the concept of basic digital building blocks in CMOS technology and associated timing and loading constraints. Finally, the course explores matching and sensitivity concepts through a simple circuit example, a current mirror.

Suggested Background

ECE 3204 – Microelectronic Circuits II.

ECE 4902: Analog Integrated Circuit Design

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

This course introduces students to the design and analysis of analog integrated circuits such as operational amplifiers, phase-locked loops, and analog multipliers. Topics: integrated circuit building blocks: current mirrors and sources, differential amplifiers, voltage references and multipliers, output circuits. Computer-aided simulation of circuits. Layout of integrated circuits. Design and analysis of such circuits as operational amplifiers, phase-locked loops, FM detectors, and analog multipliers. Laboratory exercises. This course will be offered in 2021-22, and in alternating years thereafter.

Suggested Background

ECE 4904: Semiconductor Devices

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the physics of semiconductor devices and to show how semiconductor devices operate in typical linear and nonlinear circuit applications. This material complements the electronics sequence of courses and will draw illustrative examples of electronic circuit applications from other courses. Topics: carrier transport processes in semiconductor materials. Carrier lifetime. Theory of p-n junctions. Bipolar transistors internal theory, dc characteristics, charge control, Ebers-Moll relations; high frequency and switching characteristics, hybrid-pi model; n- and p-channel MOSFETS, CMOS. Students who have received credit for ECE 3901 may not receive credit for ECE 4904. This course will be offered in 2022-23, and in alternating years thereafter.