Physics Major

Program of Study
Degree Type
Bachelor of Science

Program Distribution Requirements for the Physics Bachelor of Science

The normal period of residency at WPI is 16 terms. In addition to the WPI requirements applicable to all students (see page 7) of 4 units, completion of a minimum of 10 units of study is required for physics and applied physics in the areas of mathematics, physics, and related fields as follows:

Mathematics (Minimum 9/3 Units)

Physics (including the MQP) (Minimum 15/3 Units)

Either item 2 or 3 must include at least 1/3 unit from each of the five principal areas of physics: mechanics, experimental physics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal/statistical physics. This core distribution requirement is satisfied by successfully completing at least one course from each of the following five areas:

Other courses or ISUs may satisfy one or more of these areas but must be approved by the department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. For substitutions, the student must submit a petition with a substitution proposal prior to the activity and the activity outcome must be approved by a physics faculty who has taught in the particular area.

ES 3001 and CH 3510 count as physics courses

Other subjects to be selected from mathematics, science, engineering, computer science, and business (Minimum 9/3 Units)

Either the Physics or Other Subjects requirement must include at least 1/3 unit from each of the five principal areas of physics: mechanics, experimental physics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal/statistical physics. This core distribution requirement is satisfied by successfully completing at least one course from each of the following five areas: Mechanics (PH 2201 or 2202); Experimental Physics (PH 2651 or 2601); Electromagnetism (PH 2301 or PH 3301); Quantum Mechanics (PH 3401 or 3402); and Thermal/Statistical Physics (ES 3001, CH3510, PH 2101, or PH 3206). Other courses or ISUs may satisfy one or more of these areas but must be approved by the department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. For substitutions, the student must submit a petition with a substitution proposal prior to the activity and the activity outcome must be approved by a physics faculty who has taught in the particular area.