Astrophysics Minor

Program of Study
Degree Type

For students of the sciences interested in the stars and seeking to acquire a minor expertise with a cosmic perspective, the Physics Department offers a Minor in Astrophysics. Candidates for the Minor complete two units of work, with one unit of Astrophysics courses, and one unit of recommended background courses consisting of: 1/3 unit of mechanics, 1/3 unit of electromagnetism and 1/3 unit of quantum mechanics. 

Candidates also complete an Astrophysics Minor Project either as part of one of the astrophysics courses or as a separate ISU. The project consists of: a) selecting an astrophysical topic of interest, b) posing a relevant question and performing in-depth analysis and investigation, and c) writing a paper, all in consultation with the instructor advising the project.

Students majoring in Physics or in Applied Physics may not do a Minor in Astrophysics. 

Students complete the “Application for a Minor in Astrophysics” and present it to the Head of the Physics Department. The Application is available in the Physics Department Office. The Head of the Physics Department will be responsible for the review and approval of all requests for the Minor. WPI policy requires that no more than one unit of course work be double counted toward other degree requirements.

Recommended Background Courses

Minimum Units