Teacher Preparation Program

Program of Study
Degree Type
Licensure Program

Advisor: Jillian DiBonaventura

Licensed teachers in STEM fields are in continual high demand across the United States. Participation and successful completion of our teacher preparation program will result in endorsement for an Initial teaching licensure in the state of Massachusetts. WPI students may elect to pursue licensure in middle or high school mathematics, middle school general science, high school science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), technology/engineering, or digital literacy/computer science alongside an undergraduate degree in the STEM-related major of their choice. 

Specific content courses are required to meet Massachusetts requirements for Subject-Matter Knowledge competency, but these are generally met by courses in a student's major. Joining the Teacher Preparation Program (TPP) licensure program enables participants to pursue the content area of their choice while impacting the lives of middle and high school students in urban schools and the local community.  Students wishing to discuss this option further are encouraged to contact Jillian DiBonaventura, Director of Teacher Preparation at the STEM Education Center.  

Applications are accepted twice yearly (A and C term), and more information can be found on our website or by contacting www.wpi.edu/+teach 


Teacher Prep students must successfully complete the following requirements for initial licensure in the state of Massachusetts:

  • Completion of an online portfolio that addresses the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) required by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) during the student teaching practicum
  • Successful completion of a full-time teaching practicum in a local middle or high school during C&D terms (often completed as an IQP in junior year)
  • Pass the state MTEL teaching tests in the following areas: 
    • Communication and Literacy skills (both Reading & Writing subtests)
    • Relevant Subject-Matter test for the license sought
  • Complete all program requirements (Pre-practicum experiences and coursework)
Student Teaching Practicum is done as an IQP, MQP (if Physics), or Independent Study:
  • PQP or equivalent (1/6)

  • ID 2050 or equivalent (1/3)

  • IQP or MQP or IS (1)

Minimum Units
PSY Courses
Choose two of the following: (you must take either School Psychology or the Psychology of Education as one course)
Minimum Units
And choose one of the following (but not repeated from above):
Minimum Units
HUA Course
Required for DL/CS, recommended for others:
Minimum Units