Professional Writing Major

Program of Study
Degree Type
Bachelor of Science


CORE FACULTY: K. Fontenot (HUA), S. Lessing (HUA), R. Madan (HUA), S. Riddick (HUA), Y. Telliel (HUA)

AFFILIATED FACULTY: E.Boucher-Yip (HUA), A. Danielski (HUA), B. Faber (BME)


The goal of the Professional Writing program is to prepare professionals to communicate scientific or technical content to a variety of specialized and non-specialized audiences in useful and accessible ways.

Professional Writing is an interdisciplinary major or double major that combines work in written, oral, visual, and data- based communication with a strong concentration in a scientific or technical field. Students receive individual attention from academic advisors as they design a plan of study that fulfills the program’s distribution requirements and best suits their intellectual interests and career aspirations. Majors can select courses and projects in a variety of areas, such as:

  • Science writing, medical writing, health communication
  • Technical writing, user documentation, online documentation
  • Digital media, visual communication, information design
  • Writing in the public interest, writing for non-profits
  • Bilingual professional communication, translation

The Professional Writing major provides excellent preparation for students interested in careers in technical and scientific communication, writing and editing, web authoring, information design, public relations, medical writing, translation, and intercultural communication. It prepares students for graduate work. Finally, it prepares professionals in scientific or technical fields to be lead communicators in their careers.

MQP advisors will help students design projects that focus on the student’s specific area of interest.

Program Distribution Requirements for the Professional Writing Major

Scientific and/or Technical Concentration (Minimum 18/3 Units)

The student’s scientific and/or technical concentration must be a plan of study, approved by the student’s program review committee, with a clear underlying rationale in mathematics, basic science, computer science, engineering, and/or business.

Writing and Rhetoric (WR) Concentration (Minimum 9/3 Units)

The Writing and Rhetoric concentration consists of 9/3 units from the 2 following categories.

Writing and Rhetoric (6/3 units) 

Selected from any of the existing WR courses or equivalent ISUs. This must include WR 3112: Rhetorical Theory unless a substitution is authorized by the student’s program review committee, which will be granted only under unusual circumstances. No more than one course at the 1000-level can be applied, and students must complete at least one 4000-level course in WR.

Electives (3/3 Unit)

The 3/3 unit of electives must be coherently defined and approved by the student’s program review committee. Students may draw on courses in Writing and Rhetoric not used to fulfill the above 6/3 units requirement or suggested courses from the categories below: 

Major Qualifying Project (Minimum 3/3 Units)

The MQP should build on the student’s scientific and technical concentration while articulating a problem within professional writing.

Minimum Units