Chinese Studies Minor

Program of Study
Degree Type

The minor in Chinese Studies offers students the opportunity to extend their study of China and the Chinese Language beyond the Humanities and Arts Requirement. The Chinese Studies minor includes intermediate or above language proficiency and content courses on Chinese history, philosophy, environmental, and society and culture. The minor is primarily intended for non-native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. Native speakers of Mandarin are not eligible to take Chinese language courses at WPI. Native speakers who wish to pursue this minor through content courses need to receive permission from the minor advisor and will most likely have to take advantage of both WPI and Consortium offerings.

WPI policy requires that no more than one unit of course work can be double counted toward other degree requirements. Thus, students may count three courses taken to fulfill other degree requirements (such as the Humanities and Arts Requirement or two course requirement in the Social Sciences) toward the minor, provided that one unit of classes taken for the minor do not double-count for another degree requirement. In practical terms, this means that up to 3/3 units from HUA Requirement and 1/3 unit from a China IQP, with a combined total from the two of no more than 3/3 unit, can be applied to the Chinese Studies minor.

A student who uses an upper level Chinese language course as the capstone for an HUA Requirement fulfilled with language courses cannot use that capstone language course as the capstone for the Chinese Studies minor. For students conducting their IQP or MQP in China, the capstone can take the form of an ISU that reflects on their onsite experiences.

Students interested in pursuing the minor should speak with Professor Jennifer Rudolph or Professor Huili Zheng to find out more and to discuss finding a capstone course and any related background courses.

Students must demonstrate a level of Chinese proficiency of at least CN 2544 or its equivalent. A total of two units (six courses) are required for the minor degree requirement from the courses listed below. These consist of:

Program Distribution Requirements for the Chinese Studies Minor

Intermediate to Advanced Chinese Language Courses (Minimum 3/3 Units)

Minimum Units

Advanced Culture or Society Courses (Minimum 2/3 Units)

Minimum Units

Capstone Experience (Minimum 1/3 Units)

1/3 unit of capstone experience (1 course) consisting of an ISU or a 3000-level course in Chinese history, culture, literature, or philosophy identified before the beginning of the term as the capstone by the student and professor. The capstone experience must be the last course completed for the minor.

Minimum Units

WPI current courses identified as contributing to a Chinese Studies Minor.