INTL 2210: Popular Culture and Social Change in Asia

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

Godzilla, kung-fu, anime, sushi, Hello Kitty, yin and yang, Pokémon, manga. All of these have become part of our American lives, but where did they come from and what meaning do they hold as cultural phenomena? In this class we will explore the popular cultures of East Asia to better understand the influences that have shaped the region’s contemporary societies. Focus country will be either Japan or China, depending on term offered. Students will study various media of popular culture, such as films, songs, advertisements, video games, manga, anime, to explore the changing society of these countries. We will link the individual cultural phenomena studied to both internal and external influences, situating popular culture within transnational currents and exchanges when appropriate. No prior knowledge of Asian history is required forth is class. This course will be offered in 2021-22, and in alternating years thereafter.
Students may not receive credit for HU 2340 and INTL 2210.