Chemical Engineering Major with Environmental Concentration

Program of Study
Degree Type

Associated Degree

Chemical engineering majors may choose to focus their studies on an Environmental Concentration. A Concentration is not mandatory and some students will benefit from exploring a variety of areas rather than choosing to focus on one.

The Concentrations require 3 units of study (potentially all of which may be double-counted towards the Chemical Engineering degree) comprised of the following:

  • An MQP (that satisfies the Chemical Engineering degree requirement and covers a topic in the Concentration field) and
  • 6/3 units from the list below.

We have designed each concentration around a fundamental course offered annually in the Department (indicated below) that students are encouraged to take. Students should consult their academic advisor for advice and the Chemical Engineering Department Undergraduate Committee for approval of an appropriate course of study. Appropriate experimental courses, ISUs, and other appropriate courses or projects, not on the current lists, may be applied towards a Concentration with approval from the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Committee.

Program Distribution Requirements for the Chemical Engineering Major with Environmental Concentration

Environmental Concentration Courses (Minimum 6/3 Units)

*Note: Only one of the following courses may be counted: CE 3059, CE 3070, or CE 3074.

Major Qualifying Project (MQP) (Minimum 3/3 Units)

MQP must satisfy the Chemical Engineering degree requirement and cover a topic in the Environmental field.