WPE 1613 : Succeeding as an Introvert

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

Does spending time in crowds or at a party wear you out? Do you enjoy time alone? Does the thought of working on a team make you nervous? Are you quiet around your classmates? Do you tend to avoid small talk or get tongue-tied in large groups? Would you rather think about a problem than discuss it with others? If you answered “yes” to several of these questions, this course is for you. Society puts a strong emphasis on extroversion, and those who frequently speak up get more attention and often advance professionally more quickly than their more reserved peers. Yet some of our greatest thinkers and leaders have been introverts. While the teamwork culture of WPI and most professions can present challenges to introverts, career success depends on the ability to work with others. This course will help introverted students learn to thrive at college and throughout their careers. Students will learn about the nature of introversion, including the strengths and challenges of being an introvert. Students will also learn personal and professional skills, such as how to successfully work on a team, present to an audience, manage their energy levels, and have difficult conversations with others. Grades will be Pass/NR