Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics Department (PERA)

D Harmon: Director of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics (PERA)

S. Riley-Schafer: Physical Education Director

A McCarron: Club Sports Director

P. Fitzpatrick: Director of Center for Well-Being


To provide an understanding and experience in Wellness and Physical Education while gaining awareness for lifelong well-being to thrive personally and professionally, every student must complete a Wellness & Physical Education requirement.

Qualification in wellness and physical education shall be established by completing 1/3 unit of course work. Students may take classes multiple times for credit. We do not offer independent study options in Wellness and Physical Education. In addition to WPE 1000-series course offerings, students may satisfy their WPE requirement by the following:

  1. WPI approved varsity athletic team participation (WPE 2000-series). Student must be registered with instructor permission in advance of participation. No retroactive credit will be awarded if failure to register at the time of participation.
  2. Club Sports (WPE 1200-series). Students must be members of a WPE approved club prior to becoming eligible for physical education credit and by meeting established department policies for credit. Students must be registered in advance of participation; no retroactive credit will be awarded if failure to register at time of participation. Additional fees for some clubs may apply.
  3. Approved courses not offered at WPI; advance approval by the Physical Education Department is necessary so students are encouraged to contact the department directly in advance to review. No retroactive credit will be awarded if failure to receive advance approval. 
  4. Participation in certain ROTC programs may entitle students to a receive WPE credit. Students in ROTC programs should review in advance with their respective commanders.

(WPE 1000 series)

This series is offered to provide a variety of courses in Wellness and Physical Education. These courses can serve the beginner to the more experienced in each offering. WPE 1000 series courses meet twice a week (generally between 8am-5pm) at predetermined times: attendance and active participation are major factors in a student’s final grade.


Club Sports are activities in various sports and wellness that are organized and recognized by Student Government Association as Class II organizations and open to any undergraduate student. Students who are properly registered in advance for the club activity in their interest area (more information regarding Club Sports can be found at and meet the established criteria for participation by the club as well as by PERA department policy, may be eligible for WPE course credit. Practice and/or competition times vary but are generally in the evenings and weekends. Participating students may incur additional fees for equipment, travel, and/or uniforms.


WPE 1008 : Rowing for Fitness

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

This course will teach basic rowing training techniques and principles with the goal for students to develop and implement an individualized conditioning program for themselves. All classes will be conducted on-campus through the use of rowing machines located in the Sports and Recreation Center.

WPE 1078 : Aquatic Conditioning

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

This course will teach aquatic conditioning (aerobics, walking, strength and interval training) with the goal for students to develop and implement an individualized aquatic conditioning program for themselves. For the intermediate and advanced swimmer. All classes will be conducted on-campus through the use of the pool located in the Sports and Recreation Center.

WPE 1099 : Healthy Alternative Physical Education Courses

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

In each term, specific PE courses are offered to provide a variety of wellness, dance and healthy alternatives to traditional PE sport-based classes. The specific courses are subject to change on a yearly basis in order to provide flexibility in the PE offerings based upon the latest trends in wellness and dance. The focus of these classes is more on individual fitness, wellness and education, with instruction provided to all students in the classes.

WPE 1237 : Club Sport – Outing Club: Climbing

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

(This is the generic listing for all current club sports) Club Sports are activities in various sports and wellness that are organized and recognized by SGA as Class II organizations and open to any undergraduate student. Students who are properly registered in advance for the club activity in their interest area (more information regarding Club Sports can be found at and meet the established criteria for participation by the club as well as by PERA department policy, may be eligible for WPE course credit. Practice and/or competition times vary but are generally in the evenings and weekends. Participating students may incur additional fees for equipment, travel, and/or uniforms.

WPE 1238 : Club Sport – Rangeela: Bollywood Bhangra Fusion

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

(This is the generic listing for all current club sports) Club Sports are activities in various sports and wellness that are organized and recognized by SGA as Class II organizations and open to any undergraduate student. Students who are properly registered in advance for the club activity in their interest area (more information regarding Club Sports can be found at and meet the established criteria for participation by the club as well as by PERA department policy, may be eligible for WPE course credit. Practice and/or competition times vary but are generally in the evenings and weekends. Participating students may incur additional fees for equipment, travel, and/or uniforms.

WPE 1239 : Club Sport – Powerlifting

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

(This is the generic listing for all current club sports) Club Sports are activities in various sports and wellness that are organized and recognized by SGA as Class II organizations and open to any undergraduate student. Students who are properly registered in advance for the club activity in their interest area (more information regarding Club Sports can be found at and meet the established criteria for participation by the club as well as by PERA department policy, may be eligible for WPE course credit. Practice and/or competition times vary but are generally in the evenings and weekends. Participating students may incur additional fees for equipment, travel, and/or uniforms.

WPE 1601 : Insight Program

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

The Insight Program provides students with skills, knowledge, and experiences that help them thrive in their transition to WPI. In collaboration with their Insight Team, students create a personalized first year experience that incorporates relationship building with their Insight Advisor as well as programmatic participation in five key areas: Academic Growth, Personal Development, Mental Health and Well Being, Diversity, Equity, and Belonging, and Social Engagement.

WPE 1611 : Introduction to Mindfulness

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

Introduction to Mindfulness is an evidence-based mindfulness curriculum designed for college aged adults by the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults (MIEA). During this course, you will learn useful, practical tools to help manage your stress and increase self-compassion. Students will practice a variety of meditation skills, engage with the MIEA Mobile App, read the companion book, and participate in class discussion.

WPE 1612 : Introductory Yoga

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

This yoga class focuses on connecting the mind, body, and spirit through an awareness of breath.Participating in yoga can improve core strength, flexibility, balance, mindfulness, and relaxation and decrease stress. Those with any level of yoga experience (including first timers) are welcome. 

WPE 1613 : Succeeding as an Introvert

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/12

Does spending time in crowds or at a party wear you out? Do you enjoy time alone? Does the thought of working on a team make you nervous? Are you quiet around your classmates? Do you tend to avoid small talk or get tongue-tied in large groups? Would you rather think about a problem than discuss it with others? If you answered “yes” to several of these questions, this course is for you. Society puts a strong emphasis on extroversion, and those who frequently speak up get more attention and often advance professionally more quickly than their more reserved peers. Yet some of our greatest thinkers and leaders have been introverts. While the teamwork culture of WPI and most professions can present challenges to introverts, career success depends on the ability to work with others. This course will help introverted students learn to thrive at college and throughout their careers. Students will learn about the nature of introversion, including the strengths and challenges of being an introvert. Students will also learn personal and professional skills, such as how to successfully work on a team, present to an audience, manage their energy levels, and have difficult conversations with others. Grades will be Pass/NR