International and Global Studies Major

Degree Type
Bachelor of Science

Distribution Requirements for the International and Global Studies Major:

International and Global Core (3/3 Units)

Only courses with the prefix INTL count toward this requirement. Must include the senior seminar in international and global studies. 

International and Global Fields (12/3 Units)

Majors complete at least one unit of work in each of the following areas. They must also complete at least one additional unit of work in one of these areas, which will be considered their primary field.

History and International and Global Studies

These include any course with the INTL prefix and/or any international and global history course (see list).

Language, Literature, and Culture

These include any course in Modern Languages, civilization, and literature offered at WPI (e.g. AB, CN, GN, SP), or in the Consortium with the prior approval of the Program Review Committee; also courses approved by the Program Review Committee in Art History (e.g. AR 1111, AR 3112), English Literature (e.g. EN 2251, EN 3222), Music History (e.g. MU 3230), Philosophy (e.g. PY 2716), Religion (e.g. RE 2724), or Writing. Majors who designate Language, Literature, and Culture as their primary field should take most of their courses in a single discipline or in a coherent program approved by the Program Review Committee.

Social Sciences and Business

These include international and global social sciences courses (see list), international and global courses in business (e.g. BUS 1020), and 1/3 unit of a first-year course (e.g. FY 1100). Students may count courses taken for the two-course requirement in Social Sciences.

International and Global Experience (0/3 Units)

International Studies majors are required to have a study-abroad experience. (In very unusual cases exceptions may be made to this requirement but only with prior approval of the Director and Program Review Committee). This abroad experience may take the form of a project, exchange, or internship approved by the Program Review Committee. The study-abroad experience should be educational in nature and equivalent in length to at least one WPI term.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (6/3 Units)

Must include a minimum of 2/3 units in mathematics or computer science and 2/3 units in natural science or engineering science. The remaining 2/3 units may be from any area of mathematics, computer science, natural science or engineering science. Double majors may count courses taken for their other major. 

Electives (6/3 Units)

Electives may be from any area except Air Force Aerospace Studies, Military Science or Wellness and Physical Education. Double-majors may count courses taken for their other major. 

MQP (3/3 Units)

Double Major in International and Global Studies

Students may pursue a double major in International and Global Studies and any area of study at WPI except a major in Humanities and Arts. To pursue the double major, a student must satisfy all of the degree requirements for both disciplines, including an MQP and Distribution Requirements. The double major in International and Global Studies requires the same distribution of courses as the major and either a second MQP in International and Global Studies or an interdisciplinary MQP that satisfies the requirement of both programs. Double majors are also required to have an International and Global Experience. 

International and Global Experiences

An International and Global Experience may take the form of an international and global IQP, MQP, Humanities and Arts Inquiry Seminar, internship or exchange program. Students often plan their international and global experience in their Sophomore year. All students are advised to consult the list of projects offered at WPI’s Global Project Centers. Each fall, the projects and exchange programs for the following year are widely advertised on campus. For information about student exchange programs, see page 227.

Award-winning projects at WPI are frequently on international topics. International and Global Studies offers the opportunity not only to complete some of the highest quality projects at WPI, but also to offer solutions to some of the most challenging problems in the world.

Students interested in International and Global Studies may ask any member of the Associated Faculty for more information, or they may consult our webpages