History Minor

Program of Study
Degree Type

The minor in History offers students the opportunity to extend their study of History beyond the Humanities and Arts Require- ment without majoring in History. Students who, for personal or career purposes, wish to earn official recognition of their achievements in History, and who do not have academic time to fulfill the requirements for the major, should consider the History minor. Students interested in declaring a minor should speak with one of the history faculty in the Department of Humanities and Arts. The History minor consists of a total of two units of work in history distributed as follows

Program Distribution Requirements for the History Minor

History (HI) courses (Minimum 5/3 Units)

Minimum Units
Minimum Units

History Capstone Experience (Minimum 1/3 Units)

This can be either a 1/3 unit Independent Study in History or a 3000-level HI course identified by the student and instructor as the 3000-level capstone course for the student’s program. Inquiry Seminars are not eligible to count as capstone courses for the minor. The capstone course must be taken last.

Minimum Units

Note: No more than one unit of work for the Humanities and Arts Requirement may be applied toward the History minor. Any student at WPI is eligible to pursue the Minor in History except for students majoring in Humanities and Arts with a concentration in History.