Business Major with Concentration in General Business

Program of Study
Degree Type

Associated Degree

Educational Objectives

Objectives of the Business Major are: 

  • To prepare students for management roles in technology-based organizations. 
  • Through a flexible curriculum, to provide a solid, broad base of business knowledge and the written communication, oral presentation, decision-making, and leadership skills necessary to succeed in a technology-based environment. 
  • To develop student abilities necessary for continued career growth including: 
    • the ability to integrate theory and practice; 
    • the ability to integrate technology and change into existing organizations; 
    • the ability to think critically and analytically, to define and solve business problems, work in teams, and think globally; and 
    • the ability to learn new skills in response to changing professional requirements.

Program Distribution Requirements for the Business Major

Mathematics and Science

Minimum Units

Business Curriculum

Item #
Minimum Units

ECON 1110 or 1120 or 2910 and ID 2050 or one from DEV, ECON, ENV, GOV, PSY, SD, SOC, SS, STS fulfill the WPI Social Science requirement.

Item #
Minimum Units

Breadth Electives (3/3 unit)

Breadth Electives must include at least 1/3 unit from among the 3000- and 4000-level courses in the Business department. The remaining 2/3 units specified in the requirement may be satisfied with courses from Mathematics, Basic Science, Computer Science, Data Science, Social Science (except ID/SS 2050), or courses with any of the following prefixes: ACC, BUS, ETR, FIN, MIS, MKT, OBC, or OIE.

Major Qualifying Project (3/3 Units)

The MQP must have a focus in the concentration area with an MQP advisor from the Business School.

Free Electives (5/3 Units)

Program Chart and/or Course Flow Chart