Student Exchanges

As technology and commerce become increasingly international in outlook, students in engineering, science and business must learn about countries and cultures other than their own. To respond to this need, WPI offers its students an extensive range of opportunities to broaden their academic and cultural perspectives through participation in the Global Projects Program. WPI also offers traditional exchange programs. 

The principal academic emphasis in all exchanges is upon course work. In such programs, students must work closely with their advisor, the academic advisor of the exchange program, and the program coordinator at the site to design an individual program of study. Students have the responsibility of obtaining prior tentative approval from their department that courses taken abroad will count towards departmental distribution requirements. For final transfer credit evaluation, students must provide upon return the necessary detailed information on the content of courses taken abroad and the satisfactory completion of all work. In some exchanges, opportunities exist to complete project work (IQP, MQP, and Humanities and Arts requirement). The exchanges offer exceptional possibilities for projects comparing American and overseas applications of technology and the impact of technology on society. For WPI students on these exchanges, time is usually available for additional travel, before or after the formal academic period.

For more information on these programs, consult with the Global Experience Office in the Project Center or the academic advisor listed for each program.

Language Requirements

The usual language of instruction at most of the exchange institutions is the official language of the host country. While these institutions may offer a few courses taught in English, most lectures will be given in a Modern Language. Thus, exchange students who intend to complete substantial course work must acquire the necessary language background. In some cases intensive language instruction can be arranged on site. In other cases, students acquire the language background through courses taught at WPI or other colleges, or by self-study. A few exceptions exist at some technical universities where the official language of instruction may be English. 

University of Applied Sciences; Konstanz, Germany; Exchange

Students who already know German or are planning to begin studying it have the opportunity to study in Germany for a semester at the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG: university of applied sciences; in Konstanz, Germany. The city of Konstanz, located at the western end of Lake Constance (in German, der Bodensee) and right on the border with Switzerland, is one of Germany’s most beautiful cities, with a well- preserved medieval and renaissance city center. The snow- covered Alps are visible across the lake and the HTWG campus is on the bank of the Rhine where it flows out of the lake and heads north. The city is pedestrian friendly, has great food, and there are unlimited opportunities for biking, boating, swimming, skiing, and hiking in the immediate vicinity. Weekend travel to Austria, Italy, and France is easy and Switzerland is literally right across the street. Students who begin their study of German in Terms A, B, C can complete the Humanities and Arts requirement by attending the HTWG in Terms D and E. WPI will not charge these students extra tuition for Term E. Students whose German is already at an intermediate or advanced level may take either advanced language courses or technical courses at the HTWG. Admission to this exchange program is competitive. 

NEOMA Business School, Rouen, France; Exchange

Perfect opportunity for any Business School major or minor to spend a fall or spring semester in France, immersing yourself in French culture while studying at NEOMA Business School. NEOMA is one of the top ten business schools in France and ranked as one of the best business schools in Europe by the Financial Times. Courses at NEOMA are taught in English and French.

Students may study in Rouen, France. Rouen is located on the River Seine with a beautiful medieval city center. Rouen was fashioned by history, and has seen the likes of Joan of Arc, William the Conqueror and Claude Monet walk its streets. Dynamic festivals and events bring present day Rouen to life. The campus in Rouen offers students beautiful surroundings in seven hectares of woodland and is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. It is located less than two hours from Paris and the coast of Normandy.

Students participating in this exchange program pay regular WPI tuition, but pay semester room and board to NEOMA. WBS staff will help students map out a curriculum at NEOMA, ensuring all NEOMA credits will transfer back into WPI. Admission to this exchange program is competitive.