PSY 2504: Human Sexuality

Category II (offered at least every other Year)
Units 1/3

Do women have less sexual arousal than men? How do religion, laws, and public policies influence perceptions of sex? What effects does pornography have on sexual attitudes and behaviors? How widespread is sexual and domestic violence? In this class, we will explore questions relating to our sexuality. Human sexuality is the study of the biological, evolutionary, social, cultural, and political perspectives relating to sex and the meaning behind “masculinity”, “femininity”, and “asexual” or “genderqueer”. We will discuss topics such as: gender roles, transgender, sexual orientation, the anatomy and physiology of the act of sex, relationships, sexual aggression, pornography, contraception, pregnancy, abortion, sexuality and aging, and the role of religion, law, policies, and cultural. We will think about how our sexuality influences how we think and act in the world around us. We will examine sexuality within the United States and throughout the world. This course is designed to increase awareness and sensitivity to sexuality and issues relating to it. Discussions in class will be candid and on sensitive and controversial topics.