ML 4011: Leadership and Management I

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/6

ML 4011 begins with a series of lessons designed to enable the cadets to make informed career decisions as they prepare their accessions documents. Lessons concentrate on Army operations and training management, communications and leadership skills and support the beginning of the final transition from cadet to lieutenant. The course focuses cadets, early in the year, on attaining knowledge and proficiency in several critical areas they will need to operate effectively as Army officers. These areas include: the Army’s training management system, coordinating activities with staffs, and counseling skills. While the proficiency attained in each of these areas will initially be at the apprentice level, cadets will continue to sharpen these skills as they perform their roles as cadet officers in the ROTC battalion and as new lieutenants after commissioning. At the end of this semester cadets should possess the fundamental skills, attributes, and abilities to operate as competent leaders in the cadet battalion and confidently shoulder the responsibilities entrusted to them. Participation in weekly training leadership laboratories; off campus training sessions (field training exercises) and other special events is required.