With his many references to syphilis, Bubonic Plague, mental illness, and other serious afflictions, Shakespeare illuminates the harsh reality of living in 16th and 17th-century England. This course explores Shakespeare through the historical lens of early modern medical practice. Students will study plays such as Hamlet, Richard III, and The Winters Tale alongside accounts by surgeons, doctors, midwives, and others who diagnosed, dissected, and (sometimes) cured. We will also pay close attention to the superstitions, misinformation, and downright strange treatments included in some of these accounts. Through creative and expository writing, students will analyze the impact of disease on Shakespeare’s writing. This course is intended for students interested in any one of the following: drama, English literature, the history of medicine, biology, other fields of life sciences. This course will be offered in 2021-22, and in alternating years thereafter.