AB 2531 : Intermediate Arabic I

Category I (offered at least 1x per Year)
Units 1/3

This course builds on the knowledge and skills that students learn in the elementary level courses (AB 1531, AB 1532 and AB 1533). Students continue learning Modern Standard Arabic with moderate exposure to phrases and expressions in Darija, Moroccan colloquial Arabic. The course employs a student-centered approach that focuses on receptive language skills (reading and listening) and productive language skills (speaking and writing); it also integrates culture and authentic materials in order to create real-life opportunities for language practice/use and to develop students’ cultural competency. By the end of this course, students should be able to use tense appropriately to describe actions and events, describe their daily routines, describe personal and professional relations and report bibliographical and general information. Course assignments include daily homework, short quizzes, skits, presentations and/or an oral exam.
Students cannot receive credit for both AB 210X and AB 2531.