Statistics Minor

Program of Study
Degree Type

Statistical methods are widely used in science, engineering, business, and industry. The Statistics Minor is appropriate for all WPI students with interests in experimental design, data analysis, or statistical modeling. The minor is designed to enable a student to properly design studies and analyze the resulting data, and to evaluate statistical methods used in their field of study. Students should discuss course selections for the minor in advance with a statistics faculty member, who serves as the Minor Advisor. The student must complete the Statistics Minor Program Planning and Approval Form, and have it signed by the Minor Advisor. Students are encouraged to do this as early as possible, but it must be done prior to starting the Capstone. The statistics minor consists of completion of at least 2 units of work. For information about the Statistics Minor, see Professor Carly Thorp, who is the coordinator for the Statistics Minor.

At least 5/3 units of coursework drawn from the following lists of Foundation and Upper-Level Courses

Must include successful completion of at least 2/3 units from each list: 

Foundation Courses

MA 2621 OR MA 2631 may be used as a foundation course. Both cannot be used as the 2/3 units of foundation course requirement. Students may not earn University credit for both MA 2621 and MA 2631.

Minimum Units

Statistics graduate courses MA 509 or any course numbered MA 540 through MA 559

Minimum Units

1/3 unit Capstone Experience

The capstone experience may be satisfied by certain 3000-level, 4000-level or graduate courses offered by the department or by a suitable independent study with one of the department’s statistics faculty. The Capstone must be approved in advance by having the Capstone instructor sign the Statistics Minor Program Approval Form. After completion of the Capstone Experience, the Statistics Minor Program Planning and Approval Form is submitted to Statistics Minor Advisor for final approval. 

Minimum Units
Program Chart and/or Course Flow Chart