Information Currency

The information contained in this Undergraduate Catalog is not a complete statement of all the policies, practices, rules and regulations of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Any statement made in this publication is for current informational purposes only and is subject to change by the governing body of WPI or its duly authorized representatives. Certain policies, rules and regulations are not published in this publication but are promulgated directly by the appropriate department. Members of the WPI community are expected to abide by the current policies, practices, rules and regulations of the college, even though they may not be contained in this publication or may not be consistent with the information contained in this publication, whether due to a properly authorized change or to a printing error.

Changes, deletions, and additions authorized by the governing body of WPI, after the printing of this catalog, are posted on WPI’s web page at as a supplement to the undergraduate catalog, and includes the effective date of the action.