Economic Science Major

Degree Type
Bachelor of Science

A. Smith: Program Director

Economists study how both individuals and institutions make decisions about the utilization and distribution of resources. They also monitor economic data and analyze trends, examine the impact of economic policies and behaviors, and help formulate new policies and anticipate their effects. WPI’s economic science major emphasizes the use of computational modeling and experimentation to achieve these goals.


In addition to fulfilling WPI’s university-wide undergraduate learning outcomes, economic science majors will demonstrate:

  1. Command of macro-economic and micro-economic theory.
  2. Awareness of economic history and the evolution of thought in economics.
  3. Skills in key economic modeling techniques, including econometrics and system dynamics.
  4. Skills using data collected in a variety of ways, including surveys, experiments and through observation in the field.
  5. Skill in mathematics as required to approach and solve economic problems.
  6. Practical understanding of modern business disciplines including accounting and finance.
  7. Knowledge of key economic institutions that make policy and influence economic practice.
  8. Ability to understand current economic issues in light of economic theories.
  9. Ability to approach and solve a practical problem like an economist.
  10. Deep understanding of fundamental economic problems in a specific area of application.

Program Distribution Requirements for the Economic Science Major

The normal period of residency at WPI is 16 terms. In addition to the WPI requirements applicable to all students, completion of a minimum of 10 units of study is required in economics, social science, basic science, and mathematics as follows:

Economics (Minimum 9/3 Units)

Must include courses in both micro and macro economic theory at the intermediate level and in econometrics and international trade (available through the Consortium or independent study).

Economics and/or Business (Minimum 2/3 Units)

Must include financial accounting, ACC 2060. May include other relevant business courses as approved by the Departmental Program Review Committee.

Other Social Science (Minimum 2/3 Units)

Modeling Techniques (Minimum 2/3 Units)

Mathematics (Minimum 6/3 Units)

Must include differential equations, integral calculus, and statistics.

Basic Science (Minimum 3/3 Units)

Electives (Minimum 2/3 Units)

MQP (Minimum 3/3 Units)

Concentration Areas Available in Economic Science

Economic Science majors may focus their studies by choosing a Concentration within one of the following two specific areas of Economics:

  • Sustainable Economic Development
  • Computational Economics.

These concentration areas reflect the growing importance of environmental issues and computational tools within the discipline of economics and are areas of strength in teaching and research in the social sciences at WPI. Concentrations within the Economics Science major comply with WPI’s requirements for concentrations. Students must complete an MQP and two units of integrated study in the area of their Concentration.