Information Systems and Technologies (ISTech) Major

Program of Study
Degree Type
Bachelor of Science

Educational Objectives

The objectives of the Information Systems and Technologies (ISTech) major are: 

• To prepare students for positions involving the design and deployment of business applications using a wide variety of advanced information technologies, especially in high technology business, consulting, and service firms, in either start-up or established environments, and to prepare students for rapid advancement to project management and roles and accelerated paths to leadership positions.

• To provide the knowledge and skills consistent with the professionally accepted IS curriculum guidelines. Specifically, this includes providing knowledge and skills related to:

  • business application development tools;
  • database, web-based, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications;
  • integrating IT into existing organizations through managing and leading systems analysis and design projects;
  • communicating effectively via written and oral presentations.

• To develop student abilities necessary for continued career growth including:

  • the ability to integrate theory and practice and to apply knowledge of information technology issues with the foundations of management;
  • the ability to integrate technology and change into existing organizations;
  • the ability to think critically and analytically, to define and solve business problems, work in teams, and think globally; and
  • the ability to learn new skills in response to changing professional requirements.

Program Distribution Requirements for the Information Systems and Technologies Major

Mathematics and Science

Minimum Units

Core Management Curriculum (7/3)

Financial Courses (4/3 unit)

1. ACC 2060 Financial Statements for Decision Making

ISTech Core and Technical, Analytics and AI Curriculum (7/3 Units)

ISTech Elective Options (6/3 Units)


4. Technical electives: Any courses with prefix CS (except CS 3043), DS, or MA


*No course can count twice in the curriculum; for example, the courses selected as part of the 4/3 Technical, Analytics, and AI courses cannot also meet the ISTech electives requirements.

Minimum Units
Program Chart and/or Course Flow Chart