Academic Standing

Satisfactory Academic Progress 

In order to assist the student, parents, and the academic advisor in determining whether a student is making academic progress, WPI has adopted the following guidelines.

To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student must:

  1. Complete at least 4/3 units of academic work for the fall semester (A and B terms); and
  2. Complete at least 4/3 units of academic work for the spring semester (C and D terms). 

Note: Air Force Aerospace Studies (AS), Military Science (ML), and Wellness and Physical Education (WPE) courses are not included in any evaluation of Academic Progress. 

Academic Progress is evaluated at the end of each semester and any student who does not maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress will move down one level of academic standing (to warning, from warning to probation, or from probation to suspension). First-year students who earn no academic credit (see note above) during their first two terms at WPI will be placed on Academic Suspension. Thereafter, any student who earns no academic credit in a semester will move down two levels in academic standing.

Academic Warning 

Each student’s academic record will be reviewed at the conclusion of terms B and D according to the guidelines above. If a student’s performance falls short of either guideline 1 or 2, the student will be placed on Academic Warning for two terms. At this time, the student is urged, with the help of the advisor, to identify the nature of the academic difficulty and to formulate a course of action for overcoming the difficulty. Students on academic warning may apply to the Global Projects Program, but WPI reserves the right to withdraw acceptance to students who are subsequently placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation

During the next review of academic progress, should the student fail, once again, to maintain satisfactory academic progress, the student will be placed on Academic Probation for two terms. Academic Probation will prevent the student from receiving financial aid, will result in loss of eligibility for team sports, will prevent the student from obtaining undergraduate employment in the Co-op Program and will prevent participation in the Global Projects Program.

Academic Suspension

Should a student on Academic Probation fail to make satisfactory academic progress during the next review period, the student will be suspended from WPI. This status will prevent the student from enrolling as a full-time student or a part-time student for at least the next two terms. Subsequent readmission is subject to approval (with possible conditions) of a petition through the Registrar to the Committee on Academic Operations (CAO). As a general rule, a student readmitted after suspension will be placed on an Academic Probation status.

New students (first year or transfer) who fail to obtain academic credit for the first two terms shall be placed on Academic Suspension and not allowed to enroll for the following two terms. To apply for readmission, a student must submit a petition to the Committee on Academic Operations (CAO).

Improvement in Status

Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation have the opportunity to improve their status by progressing through the levels in reverse order. If a student on Academic Probation satisfactorily meets the guidelines at the end of the next review period, he or she will be moved to the list of students on Academic Warning. A student on Academic Warning would be moved back to Satisfactory Academic Progress status.

Summer Review Period

An exception to the guidelines stated above can occur when a student registers for Term E. At the conclusion of Term E, a review will be conducted which will include E-term and the previous four terms. If the student has completed 10/3 units acceptable work, the student’s academic progress status will improve. Thus, a student on Warning status after the Term D review will start terms A and B on Satisfactory Academic Progress. A student placed on Academic Probation after the Term D review will be on Warning status for terms A and B. 

Summer Academic Success Program 

Students who finish the academic year on Academic Warning or Academic Probation status, but who have passed at least 2 units of academic work during the previous four terms, are eligible to participate in the Summer Academic Success Program. Students who participate in the program enroll in ID 1000- Summer Academic Success Program, a five-week academic skills course, as well as two E Term courses. Successful completion of the courses and ID 1000 will result in the academic status rising one level (Academic Probation to Academic Warning, or Academic Warning to Satisfactory Academic Progress). The Office of Academic Advising coordinates the Summer Academic Success Program. 

Reduced Course Load Students

Students who have a reduced course load accommodation approved through the Office of Accessibility Services (see Reduced Course Load Procedures) are limited to registering for 4/3 units per semester (2/3 for each 7-week term) plus one WPE course. Reduced course load students must complete at least 3/3 units of academic work per semester to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Students on a reduced course load approved by the Office of Accessibility Services are subject to the same review schedule as full-time students. Note: this applies only to students on an approved reduced course load; students who are not on an approved reduced course load and choose not to register for a full load in any semester follow the standard requirements for satisfactory progress.

Part-time Students 

Students pursuing the bachelor’s degree as part-time students will be subject to the same review schedule and standards as full-time students. All part-time students will be reviewed after the Fall and Spring semesters and must satisfactorily complete at least one-third of the academic activities for which he/she has registered. For more information on part-time status, click here.

Grade Changes and Academic Status

Students who are placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation at the end of a given semester may receive a grade change (either incomplete to letter or letter to letter) that may improve the standing. The Registrar will re-review a student’s standing if the grade change comes in by the last day of the immediately following term. Please note that, depending on the timing of this re-review, the improved standing may not have an effect on financial aid implications. This option is not available to students on suspension. Suspended students must petition the Committee on Academic Operations for reconsideration or to return from suspension.


Students may petition through the Registrar’s Office to the Committee on Academic Operations (CAO) for reconsideration of the status of the following:

  • Academic Probation
  • Academic Suspension
  • Readmission after Suspension

Students who petition for reconsideration of status must accomplish the following:

  1. Obtain a petition form from the Registrar’s Office webpage.
  2. Complete the form and obtain advisor’s approval and signature.
  3. Submit the form to the Registrar’s Office within three weeks of the issuance of grades for B, D, or E term reviews except for readmission after suspension. 

Deadlines for Readmissions after Suspension 

July 20 for Term A

November 15 for Term C